Visiting a college and partying too hard [FM]

My senior year of high school I went with my sister to visit one of the colleges I wanted to go to. We drove up on a Friday afternoon and we’d arranged to stay in the dorm room that was empty. We met Jack, the RA, who was a Junior there and he gave us a quick tour and invited us to a house party that was a quick walk down the street from campus.

My sister Nina, who is a few years older, never went to college and wanted to live vicariously through me and was extremely stoked on partying with people I’d be going to school with. The dorms were pretty old, like 1800s old, and the bathroom was pretty communal. Like open gym style sort of thing, which was pretty crazy and I’d never seen that before.

So my sister and I take turns showering and get dressed for the party and as we’re leaving the dorm we run into Jack and a group of his friends walking to the party. They’re all basically jock types, which is not my thing at all, but they were funny.

My [f22] first night working at a private swingers club [FFM]

So, a while ago my roommate and I went to an LGBT night at a private swingers club we’d seen advertised around by people we knew. The night we were there I spoke to the owner and we hit it off. He and his wife were older swingers who were still very active in the scene and liked to host nights out of a building they owned and had a hard time renting.

The place is BYOB and the first night I was there the wife was bartending and serving drinks towards the end of the night and I asked her about it, she said they had a girl who worked there for the last six months but she moved back to the West Coast to go to medical school. I spent two years bartending in college and made good money and she said you make really amazing tips because it’s BYOB and people aren’t spending money on expensive drinks.

I had a blast at the club that night and it was a younger, fun crowd so I talked to her about taking over the gig starting in March when I finished some other work stuff. I agreed to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights for the next few weeks and see how I liked it.

My [FF]irst time with another girl

People have been messaging me a lot asking for me to talk about the first time I was with a girl, it’s one of my favorite stories.

Micky and I had been friends for as long as I could remember, we lived down the street from each other. We were in track and volleyball together and we both went to the same college together on the other side of the country. We even dated a few of the same guys.

One night we drove two hours to see one of our favorite bands, who I am not mentioning because now it’s a bit embarrassing. The plan was to go to the concert, con dudes into buying us drinks all night, then crash at an air bnb near the venue, and drive home in the morning.

We get to the air bnb and realize the venue is walking distance. The band is kind of punk music, so we went full out with our outfits. I was wearing a black leotard with a red plaid schoolgirl skirt, stockings, black knee-high boots with a stupid spiked collar and bracelets – we were ridiculous. Mickey had a little black dress made out of a Rancid t-shirt and black thigh high socks with doc martens. Normally at campus we are in workout clothes all day long. So, this was like playing dress up.

How rolling with my roommate in college turned into way more [FF]

Ok, so I’m not one to write stuff up, but I’ve been talking on and off with my old roommate and ex-gf and we talked about this night over chat and how it was pretty amazing.

Brie and I had known each other for ever, like since daycare days and we were also roommates in high school and college. This was our sophomore year of high school. I was a baby closeted les who wasn’t really dating and Brie had just broken up with a guy she had dated since high school.

So, she has plans to go house sit for her uncle who lived near our campus and was going to be gone there all weekend. I, with no plans, didn’t want her to be by herself for the whole weekend in some huge house just thinking about her ex.

Me, being the excellent friend and plur-enthusiast, I get some MDMA from a friend and we decide we’ll go to the house, play music, roll our brains out, dance like crazy, and swim in his pool all weekend. Sounds like a master plan.