[FM] I blew him in his fraternity shed

So, I had a crush on this guy, we’ll call him Trevor, since freshman year of college. He had a girlfriend though, so I never made a move. They would constantly break up and get back together though, and over the years me and him would continuously match on Tinder, chat a bit and then he’d inevitably delete his account when they got back together.

Senior year of college (we were the same age), we matched on Tinder AGAIN. He told me he wanted to try messing around somewhere public, but I was pretty inexperienced and nervous, so I backed out of it. Plus, as far as I was aware, he and his girlfriend were still together at that time. He told me they were in an open relationship, but I’m not entirely sure that was true.

Anyways, about a month later he texted me and told me that he and his girlfriend had broken up. I was horny and… well, the guy was hot, so I agreed to mess around with him a bit. He invited me over to the frat he was in.

We had sex everywhere in one go [MF]

Freshman year of college I met this guy on a dating site. We’ll call him Jared. So Jared and I went on a first date to the movies. We ‘watched’ some Marvel movie but ended up making out the whole time. Nothing more happened.

By our second date I decided that, while I liked him, I wasn’t ready to settle down. I was newly… deflowered, and I wanted to experiment more before settling down in a relationship. We kept our date pretty casual, starting with some fast food, and then going back to his place to hang out and have a few drinks.

We had a fun time. We got along really well and had similar interests, but I told him about halfway through that I wasn’t interested in pursuing anything serious. He was okay with that, and our date kept going.

At some point we ended up in the basement of his house, which was also his bedroom. He still lived with his parents, but I was cool with it. His place was *really* nice after all. He decided to impress me by playing the keyboard he had in his room. He played a theme from a video game we both like (yes, I’m a nerd) and it definitely worked on me. (If you must know, it was Dearly Beloved from Kingdom Hearts). I ended up challenging him saying, “I bet I can distract you from playing.” And he said, “You’re on.”

My first sexual experience was with two guys. [FMM]

I was 18 years old and in college. I had one serious relationship before, but I just didn’t feel ready to take that step.

Well, I had been in college for a few months and had been going to frat parties pretty frequently. I believe this one was a Christmas party. Anyways, I was at this party for about an hour. I decided to get myself another drink. There was a big trash can of jungle juice where we could fill our cups.

At the trash can I met this guy, Evan. He was a year older than me and went to my school. We got to talking, and then dancing, and eventually grinding and making out. His friend, whose name I honestly can’t remember, was sort of hovering around us as we made out and grinded on each other. The friend wasn’t from our college, he was just visiting.

The party came to an end around 2 in the morning and we all decided to leave together. As it turned out, Evan’s dorm was right across from mine. We were all a bit tipsy, but we decided to go back to Evan’s dorm, drink some more, and eat