When I was younger, I was very fluid with my sexuality. I had long hair and was mistaken for a girl more than once, but it didn’t bother me. A few times, I even had men come up and flirt with me, only to realize I was a boy and back off. I was into girls, but would find myself sometimes fantasizing about having sex with another guy. I didn’t know where those fantasies came from and just chalked them up to being a horny teen, as I never had any opportunity to fulfill them in high school.
That changed when I got to college. My freshman year, I became friends with a guy named David. We hung out a lot, especially when it came to the summer semester after our freshman year when we were both taking classes and found things were really slow with not as many students on campus and not much to do. One night, we were hanging out and drinking and decided to go swimming naked in David’s apartment complex pool.