[Looking for writers to promote!] Just made our very first 0.04 cents! Finally I can promote your stories!




We also run original Mondays so we have something to look forward to on the start of our working days! Looking for writers to submit their stories to be featured get their links shared for free! :)

Submit it here!


[Original] [Letter] [Cuckolding] [Cheating] Letter to my Husband

Hey Brent,

~~I wouldn’t be home tonight again as my work called me and told me that I needed to do an all nighter at the office, a client did another emergency order that we need to finish in time that’s why I can’t call you tonight as well like usual, I might come home late again tomorrow because I don’t know when we’re going to finish, it might be a long hard~~

You know what, this has to stop. I’ve known for a while that you have had a cuckolding fantasy, and you know what it’s great! You have not satisfied me in bed for the last few years anyways and it has been driving me fucking crazy! I love you sweetie and you’ll always be what’s inside my heart, but sometimes I can’t be happy if you’re the only one inside my pussy. Sometimes I get dry just by thinking about your cock, it’s so cute and lovely but I also have needs that sometimes you just can’t give.