[MF] Mild exhibitionism and satisfying kinks for each of us

I’ve always enjoyed a bit of exhibitionism but it has to be right — it can hard to find exact scenarios that work, something that’s public enough but doesn’t lead to actually getting caught. But I’ve recently discovered one that really does: secluded rockface at the beach at sunset. And fortunately enough I have a partner who feels the same.

It’s nearing the end of winter where we are, but isn’t all that cold. One Saturday afternoon a couple of weeks ago we were going for a bit of a drive, ending up at a suburban beach, without any definite plans. It was a little busy and as we started out on a walk it started raining. We were really enjoying each other’s touch that day – holding hands, stopping to hug, stopping to kiss. We just couldn’t stop touching. Back at the car we decided to keep driving and went to the next beach over, quieter and more secluded. It stopped raining and it was a beautiful sunset, and we got out to walk across the small beach to the high rocky outcrop. A few families were finishing up their walks before it turned dark and cold, and my partner and I meandered around a bit, not sure where we were going or what we were doing. We’d talked about doing something semi-public before, and when I brought it up that afternoon we could feel the desire in our tighter hand squeezes and beating hearts.

[MF] Short fling turns into surprising quasi-love-triangle

Around two weeks after my last story takes place, summer of 2019, I again hooked up with F20 one Friday afternoon right after work around 5pm. It was satisfying for both of us, but this story isn’t about that particular hook up.

Before the pandemic there was this popular bar in the middle of the city that opened into a kind of courtyard surrounded by office blocks. It was very popular for after work drinks and this summer evening was no exception. As we were putting our clothes back on in my apartment it turned out my fling and I were both going to meet groups of friends at this same bar. I thought it was funny, but she was not very amused. She set off first and I followed five minutes later.

It was a big crowd, many friendship groups, people from different firms etc. I found my friends and got drinks and didn’t see my fling for a while. Then later I saw her across the courtyard arm in arm with the guy I presumed she was in the early days of dating. He was big chested and buff, and honestly looked well suited to her.

[MF] Her [F20] favourite thing was “both hands” [M28]

‘Both hands,’ she said between gasps. ‘Both hands.’

‘Don’t tell me what to do,’ I said in reply, giving her ass a loud smack and getting a loud scream-moan in response.

It was Thursday evening at 5:30pm, at my place when I was living in the middle of the city. She’d messaged me that morning after about a week of radio silence, asking if she could come over. We’d started seeing each other a few months ago, initially serious dating it seemed. But it had kind of fizzled out. She’d said I was a bad communicator, I said she was a bad communicator. So it wasn’t really going anywhere as a relationship. What kept us in each other’s orbits was the really good sex. Although we were almost too proud to text each other when we wanted to hook up one of us usually did, until it was solely bootycalls. That morning she’d texted to say she had a dinner in the city near my place, and asked if she could come over to freshen up beforehand. At 5:30pm I wasn’t exactly sure how long she’d been over for, but so far there had been no freshening up. Mostly she’d been on her hands and knees in doggy.

[MF] Summer fling was one of the hottest relationships I’ve had (M30) (F20)

Have you ever had that spark and sexual chemistry with someone you weren’t otherwise suited to dating? If that friend-like spark and mutual physical attraction is there surely you can work the rest out, right? I only thought these missed connections happened in rom-coms or gonewildstories of other people. That was until I experienced it for myself.

In November 2020 (summer in Australia) I (then M30) matched with someone on Tinder and got talking. She seemed pretty cool and the conversation flowed easily. We discussed the big topics, and as time went on we discussed the small topics as well, little things that happened throughout the day. I also found her very attractive, and I think the feeling was mutual. She was about 5’5 to my 6’, slim built with a very perky butt that was visible in one of her bikini pics, medium brown hair that was usually a little wild and messy, and a pretty face. She had freckles and played the guitar and painted, and had an overall hippy vibe, which was quite different to my overall reserved nature. We also had a bit of an age gap. So I wasn’t sure where it was going. But for whatever reason we really clicked and just kept messaging over days and then weeks. At the time, in November-December 2020 in my city, some pandemic restrictions were in place. I was no longer commuting to the city daily for work, and she worked and lived in the northern suburbs. That was the only problem: we must have matched when we were both in the city because I live deep in the southern suburbs and she lived about the same distance or more north. Travel across the city was discouraged.

[MF] My (M27) first taste of mild exhibitionism with (F22) remains a hot memory

It was the morning after the night before. I’d been out with friends on a Sunday night that was getting out of hand and my FWB, Bec, had been out with friends of hers. We’d texted each other and gone back to her place. The sex that night was tipsy and a little lazy and not all that memorable. I’d ended up staying over because I had Mondays off work and Bec was still a student who worked nights.

Now it was a warm Monday morning in late summer and sun was coming through Bec’s big bedroom window. Her room in her big apartment/share house was on the first floor (that’s the second floor for our American readers) of a three storey building on a fairly busy road, and looked out onto that road through a window that ran almost the whole length of the outward-facing room. I think she’d pulled the curtains back and let the sun in to try and wake me up from my mild hangover, and her leaving the bed for the bathroom had probably woken me up. I lay on my back naked under the sheet and shifted to a more comfortable position in the middle of the bed. The remnants of sleep and the realisation of where I was brought my cock to total rock hardness all on its own.

[MF] How being the sober one led to my (M26) first casual hookup (F21)

Growing up I was extremely shy and was far too nervous to talk to girls. I had one girlfriend in my early 20s but after we broke up I didn’t really date very much and I didn’t have sex again for four years, until I was 26. The girlfriend wasn’t my first sexual experience but she was my first love and we had a very active sex life and became very good at what we were into. Following the end of that, however, I reverted to my natural introversion and social anxiety and thought this was it for life. That is, until this first casual encounter. After that it was like the floodgates opened, and I made up for a lot of lost time, and while I’d always had a very very high sex drive I’ve since then also developed my tastes, interests, and kinks. I’m in my early 30s now, male, and in Australia, and I’ve dated, had short flings, had ongoing friends-with-benefits, had fuck buddies (less friends than FWB I think), had one night stands, and had a small number of BDSM focussed relations. But this is the story of the first casual encounter and the one that really got my confidence up.