Big Stetch (M/F) (18+characters) (D/S)

Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill. Grasping my wrists, one in each hand, Daddy tugged my arms back so that I was forced to arch into position. He told me to focus on keeping my chest down, so I did but my back cracked a bit, my first stretch of the day. His big hands dwarfed my wrists while I threw my weight against his restraint but he didn’t say another word so I just kept adjusting. I spread my knees as much as I could with my ankles secured by his Klein belt. It wasn’t very much. His silence told me he needed more from me. I knew what to do. With focus, I slowly worked on canting my hips and flaring my holes the way I knew he liked it. Pushing into the position slow and steady helped me adjust. It even felt good. It’s true I was horny for his cock, but I craved nothing like I did his approval. 

Her Struggle is Always Sweet [MF] [Light Bondage] [CNC] [Anal]

My adrenaline spiked up with every second as I sprinted through the house. I had no destination but my eyes sought a route, any route. I was much too hesitant. Takedown! Dashing through the halls one moment and pinned to the carpet of Hunter’s study in the next, I was unbearably horny. Though disgruntled to find he wasn’t breathing hard, I was down, not defeated. Before he could trap my legs, I snaked my waist and heaved in the other direction, but I was foiled again. Hunter grabbed me mercilessly and we wrestled. No matter how I moved I couldn’t escape him.

I could sense that my resistance was his favorite part. His cock was so hot and thick in his pants, every brush against his groin caught my breath in my chest. I was making strategic moves but he got more determined as I became flustered and over-reactive.

A Tease Unleashed Part 1 (MF) (OC)

Our lips parted with a light sucking sound when we pulled away and locked eyes under the dim of moonlight. I liked what I saw. My lips tingled and his shined. My gaze was caught to the glistening, silky strand of saliva bridging the slight gap between us. I followed that treasure trail but he flexed his arms around my waist to push my hips in and down. I swear even the subtle rustle of our clothing rasped in my ears as I lost my bearings for a split second. The strand broke and I bit my bottom lip hard. A wanting mewl slipped out. It made him hold me down harder, breathing a bit uneven. 

His rock hard cock was pressed up tight to the place I was most vulnerable, the most wet. Sex was a base display of give and take and my body was as if loosened to jelly in his hands. From the moment I saw him, I knew I wanted his fingers inside of me. They were lawless and roamed with intention. Demanding, curious, mischievous, and rough. He smoothed his fingers up the soft of my back then down again ever so slow. Hastily, he spread them and grasped on tight, feeling where my thighs met the curve of my ass. The way I arched up slightly from his lap and held myself caused the tips of splayed hands to brush against me. “Right there, ” I squealed. 

(MF) (Couple) To Languish in Stolen Time

We devoured one another. 

Hips restless, I thrust my groin almost violently upward to be met by an equally determined downward push. We had become frantic, left hands palm to palm with fingers interlocked. The right hand explored every part of the torso that induced the same exquisite shudder and all the while our lips teased, tongues rippling against each other ceaselessly. 

Nothing could feel better than fighting to get inside each other at that moment. My muscles trembled from holding myself back and the ache in my groin made me want to bow backward, grip my hair in a fist, and groan–insatiable in the midst of sumptuous torture. Enduring, I savored the slow as well as the fast because it was still deep. 

Her fragrance was a trifecta. A hint of vanilla met with a dash of smoky cashmere. Close behind came the subtle and earthy breath of creamy sandalwood. Finally, that aroma gave way to a delicate saccharine finish I couldn’t quite place. 

Couch time [MF] [Romantic] [Sensual]

**Title**: **To Languish in Stolen Time**

We devoured one another.

Hips restless, I thrust my groin almost violently upward to be met by an equally determined downward push. We had become frantic, left hands palm to palm with fingers interlocked. The right hand explored every part of the torso that induced the same exquisite shudder and all the while our lips teased, tongues rippling against each other ceaselessly.

Nothing could feel better than fighting to get inside each other at that moment. My muscles trembled from holding myself back and the ache in my groin made me want to bow backward, grip my hair in a fist, and groan–insatiable in the midst of sumptuous torture. Enduring, I savored the slow as well as the fast because it was still deep.

Her fragrance was a trifecta. A hint of vanilla met with a dash of smoky cashmere. Close behind came the subtle and earthy breath of creamy sandalwood. Finally, that aroma gave way to a delicate saccharine finish I couldn’t quite place.

Head Game [Oral] [D/S] [MF]

The light of the empty theater was dim and Master’s cock was in the back of my throat. I would be in heaven with the opportunity to taste him if he wasn’t fucking into me so fast that my tongue couldn’t register the saltiness of his precum before it spilled out the corners of my mouth mixed with saliva. I had been ordered to grip my elbows behind my back so my nails dug in a little more on each violent entry. Surely he’d scold me later for leaving marks on his property. 

He slid his fingers through my hair and twined the wavy black strands around his knuckles for a reliably firm grip as he pounded away. I could take it. In fact, I loved it. Master used the hold for leverage but my head was cradled between his palms. The only thing that could make the moment more erotic was touching him…if I were stroking his soft hair underneath my fingertips while he took what he needed and gave me what I craved. All at once he stopped, cock thick and heavy on my tongue with the little hole at the tip aiming down towards my stomach. The sound I made when his balls met my chin was between a whimper and a purr. He held me there, still, for a few breathless seconds. Inhaling quickly through my nose, I opened my eyes and peered up at him.  I could sense he wanted it. 

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