Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 7) [trans]

Chapter 7. A dream is something that more than two people can have.

Zane, Amber and Liz are get dressed in the VIP room, after their three way at the popular night club, The Black Out.

“That was amazing! I haven’t orgasmed like that ever! We should definitely do that again.” Liz says while looking for her panties. “I definitely want to do that again, I mean, if that’s OK with you Zane.” Amber said fixing her makeup. “It’s up to me? You must be joking? Of course I’m all for doing that again. Fuck, have you two looked in a mirror, like ever?” Zane said while watching the girls get dressed. “Hold up, Liz did I just help you cheat on Dan?” Amber said while getting upset with Liz. “No, Dan and I broke up Sunday.” Liz said looking dejected. “Why? If you don’t mind me asking.” Zane said while pulling Liz up off the bed, for a hug with him and Amber. “Well he wants to get married and have kids, right now and I’m not ready for that yet. I’m 23 and I still want to have fun, ya know? I’m not mad at him or anything, I should have seen this coming. He’s 34 and it makes sense that he would want that sooner then me. So we broke it off.” Liz said with a sad smile. “Well you’re always welcome here with Zane and I, right Zane?” Amber says smiling at both of them. “What does she mean by that? Is she inviting me into their relationship?” Liz thinks making her blush. “I don’t know what she means by that,” Zane thinks. “Your always welcome here.” Zane said looking at Amber with an eyebrow raised.

Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 2)

Chapter two. The drawing of a dream.

Amber walking to her car it’s been almost two weeks since she left Zane and his mother at the hospital and all she’s been able to think about is Zane. “Is he ok?” “What really happened to him?” “Is he coming back to school?” “Could he tell that she was more concerned about him then she should be?” “Does he even care?” “How do I really feel?” “Even if he does care, it can’t happen he wouldn’t be accepting of her secrets, could he?”

Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 6) [trans] [creampie]

Chapter six. A night out. Dinner and a creampie.

Zane sitting on Amber’s bed in a towel, looking through the duffel bag his mother bought. “There’s nothing here that doesn’t have blood stains on it. How long have walked around looking like a butcher? I feel like I have been in a fog. I’ve been only concentrating on one goal for so long, will I be able to do this? Be a part of a relationship and continue what I have planned? Will she still stick with me when I tell her, what that plan is.” Zane getting lost in his thoughts.

Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 5) [trans][shower play]

Chapter 5. It’s not a dream.
(FYI This one gets a little, let’s say kinky but if your into it let me know lol)

His eyes open his vision is clouded, then he sits up sharply. His mind starts racing. Was that all a dream? Am I still stuck in the uphill battle with myself over my sorrow and rage over the needless death of the man, who was my hero, With no positive relief in sight? Am I still alone, not letting anyone see the constant struggle I’m in keeping myself strong? Is my mother still convinced that I’m trying to die? Most importantly is she real this time or have I been dreaming again this entire time?

Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 4) [trans]

Chapter four. The start of everything.

Zane walking down his hallway, still in shock at Amber’s quick exit. His mind is running through everything that just happened, she saw the portrait, she saw him fight, then the blow job and now this. As he reaches his bedroom door hears a his moms door open. “Good morning honey.” Zane’s mom Michelle says with a smile. “Have a good night?” Zane turns to his mom beginning to cry. “Mom, I messed up with Amber.” Zane’s said with a quiet sob. “What happened, baby?” Michelle asked while hugging her son tearing up herself. “It’s hard to explain mom.” Zane leaning his head onto his moms shoulder. “I didn’t tell her the whole truth.” “Well tell her the whole truth Zane.” Zane stands up straight and turning toward his bedroom with a new resolve, drying his eyes. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.” He says over his shoulder.

Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 3) [trans]

Chapter three. Secrets come to light.

Michelle walks into Zane’s room, “hey you two, what are you doing?” Zane and Amber were sitting on Zane’s bed looking at a drawing that has its bottom torn off and is a perfect match to Amber, that Zane drew 5 years before he ever met her. “OH! One of Zane’s old sketch books, wow I can’t remember the last time I saw him drawing.” “I think I’m going to go to bed goodni..” the sound of Zane’s phone ringing causes Zane’s mom to bite her lip out of frustration, knowing what’s coming. “He’s going to leave again”, Michelle whispers. Zane pulls out his phone walks out of his room into the hallway. “Whats up G, yeah I’ll be th…. yeah of course… you know whats up, pick me up from the spot, 20 minutes and don’t be early,” Zane looks back at his room seeing Amber’s worried look. “Make it 30.” Zane puts his phone away. He walks back into his room. “Hey mom I almost forgot to give you this,” Zane pulls out his backpack opens the front pocket pulling out a small bill fold full a $100’s that he keeps out of his moms eye line. “Here’s the rest of rent and you said that you needed gas right?” Then hands her another bill. “Goodnight mom” “Zane please don’t leave again.” Zane’s moms says clearly scared. “Mom, I know that I’ve said this before BUT I will be home later tonight things are different now, I promise.” “Whats different now Zane, is it me? Am I keeping you from doing something that you really want to do? I’d really like to know what the fuck is going on,” Amber whispered to herself. “O, ok, honey I love you goodnight.” Michelle says while heading into her room. “Amber I have an important thing I have to do tonight, I’ll walk you out, ok?” Zane says while guiding her out of his room.

Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 2)

Chapter two. The drawing of a dream.

Amber walking to her car it’s been almost two weeks since she left Zane and his mother at the hospital and all she’s been able to think about is Zane. “Is he ok?” “What really happened to him?” “Is he coming back to school?” “Could he tell that she was more concerned about him then she should be?” “Does he even care?” “How do I really feel?” “Even if he does care, it can’t happen he wouldn’t be accepting of her secrets, could he?”