[M]y Girl[F]riend Suggest I Bang Her Sis[T]er – Part 2

Previous post https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ymb3si/my_girlfriend_suggests_i_bang_her_sister/

Hullo, all, you liked my last post so much I thought I’d do an update! The timeline of those events were a few years ago, and I thought you all might like to know how my GF, her sister, and I are doing

The first thing is that my girlfriend is now my fiancée! About a year ago I made up a reason to walk past the place where the cinema I took her on our first date used to be (it has sadly since closed), and as I pointed it out and she was distracted, I got down on one knee and proposed with my Grandmother’s ring. She said “Yes! Of course!” And that was that. The ring fit her to my relief, and she has this adorable habit of twisting it around her finger when she’s content. She is the most wonderful, driven woman in the world. I’m very lucky to be marrying her. For some reason she thinks the same of me.

[M]y Girl[F]riend Suggests I Bang Her Sis[T]er

Allow me a minute to introduce our dramatis personae.
I met my girlfriend, Emma, when we were both in school, around a decade ago; she did track and field and is the hottest woman I’ve met in real life. The minute I saw her I fell off a cliff into love. She was medium height then and now, with the most beautiful caramel skin and curly black hair. Not much by way of tits but her ass is athleticly shaped and her legs are sculpted, and as the real cherry on top her midriff is gorgeous. Some guys are into asses or thighs or whatever, a good midriff has always been my thing. When we were first introduced she was wearing a top that showed off her abs and right there I decided I would ask her out; when I finally worked up the courage a couple months later, she joked that she wondered what had taken me so long, and we’ve been together ever since.

I soon met her family, lovely Italian mother and father who I adore and who seem to like me, and her brother Christian. Christian was Emma’s little brother by a few years; he also ran track, and we became good friends over the years as I dated his sister.