I was rideshare driving one night in 2015, and picked up a middle aged couple from a decently busy nightlife district. He had requested the ride, so I confirmed his name and drop-off location, and off we went.
They were both dressed in business casual clothing, so I thought they might be coworkers. As we drove, I observed that their vibe was individual to each; he seemed pretty chill, but the woman was energetic and giddy. She was all over this guy, and they were whispering back and forth in the backseat. From what I could clean, she could not wait to get back to his place.
We arrive, and they climb out of the car as I tell them to take care. Now, I have a general practice of staying parked long enough to ensure everyone is able to get inside safely. So I watched him open the garage door and they walked in. I ended the ride and gave the passengers a good rating. Just as I was about to back out, I could see that she was physically all over him inside the garage, but he seemed to be resisting. He kept taking her hands away from his face and midsection, and she kept on trying to touch him as he was trying to open the door to get inside. Clearly she wanted him, but for some reason he was just acting annoyed. In my mind’s narrative, they were coworkers and he decided at the last minute that their impending tryst was a bad idea.