[MFM]/[MF] A girlfriend wanted a virgin, so I gave her to one.

***Disclaimer:*** *While this story – in its entirety – is true telling of this weekend’s events between myself, Jason, Rory, and Cali, I have taken a certain level of “creative license” in both the details of said events and the manner in which I tell those events. My goal in this is to protect identities of people and locations. My goal is __not__ to embellish or otherwise make this story unworthy of /r/gonewildstories.* Thanks for reading.


###It all began when Rory beat me in a game of Magic: The Gathering.

Bet you never thought a story here would begin with something so nerdy, but it’s the truth. I often challenge and encourage friends, colleagues, strangers into random acts of learning, random acts of kindness, and random acts of slutiness by promising them something that has come to be known as a *Golden Coin*. It’s something my late wife invented and when she gave them out, they’re worth was/is limitless, able to change the world – for me they’re mainly tokens for favors (something I began collecting when I no longer *had* to work to collect money^(1)). With girlfriends they’re “coupons” for *any* fantasy scenario they wish^(2).