Books and Coffee and Sunrises and You (Pt. II)

You have been on my mind a lot lately. More specifically, those couple of days we spent together has been on my mind; images, memories, coming back to the surface with the fight of someone looking for air.

After we met online and you told me of how unsatisfied you were with things at home, I grew more and more interested. How could a woman, so sweet, so REAL, so beautiful (and not to fail to mention sexy), go through each day unsatisfied and in need of attention. How could any man live in the same house as you walk past you and not steal a kiss? A squeeze? Or give that gorgeous ass a playful spank as you stand alone in the kitchen?

Turns out, hubby has come to terms with his lack of desire and understands that his wife is a goddess who many a man would kill to have as his own. Coming to grips with this, hubby has given you permission to go out and find someone who could give you that attention. That passion. That desire that you need and deserve. I just never expected to be the lucky son of a bitch you drew to. But, I’m happy I am and I’m happy you said yes to meet me for coffee that Fall morning in the mountains.

Books and Coffee and Sunrises and You (Pt. 1)

Buying this land was my turning of a leaf. The “corporate life” has all but ruined what is left of my soul. Wake up. Shower. Rush to work. Get home. Answer leftover emails. Send emails to prime the next work day. Get to bed late. Wake up early. Do it all again.

Now, I have my land and my peace of mind. No more rushing. No more meetings. Alarm clocks have been replaced with the rising sun. Business suits have been replaced with jeans and work shirts. The office is now a stretch of land that I turn and plant and grow life from when I’m not at the firehouse. I feel human again.

The fact that I can’t hear a passing car from any corner of my land brings me great joy. Out here, there’s true peace. True living.

I parked the old Airstream trailer at the top of a hill, facing the rising sun from the East. A couple weeks worth of work and I had the place set up to my liking. A large wooden deck off the front complete with a couple of Adirondack chairs I made from the scraps. Shelves full of books inside. A simple set up; a bed, small kitchen, small stand up shower. This place is perfect. Has everything I need and nothing that I don’t.

Do you remember your first time? Well, here’s mine…

I can remember the coolness of your bedroom. Dark. End of the hallway. Like it’s own private oasis, waiting for the primed young man’s imagination. Only tonight, there was nothing left to imagination. Tonight, you whispered, shyly, into my ear, “I have a present for you, you know, for your birthday. But, you have to follow me, it’s in my room…” Nervously, I follow.

My mind racing as the short hallway turned into a mile long. What was in her room?? Do I truly BELIEVE there is “something,” or should I follow the wonders of my mind, that this truly may be what’s about to happen??

We step into the dark room. I am greeted with the usual smells of her, only this time, they’re intensified by the adrenaline running through my veins. Marc Jacob’s “Daisy.” A citrus scented soy candle. The smell of the orange Trident stash you keep in your nightstand. The subtle smell of “reds” on your hoody.

I stand, awkwardly pretending to search the room for my present. You turn and jump onto your ridiculously tall bed. It’s silly, really, how tall it is. However, it told me one thing…getting in this bed, with its throw pillows and oversized duvet, was a commitment. A commitment that said once you’re in, you’re in for a while.