Jimmy’s Bold College Day

We had a thing in College that a good-looking substitute teacher meant we had to stand up and flash our dicks, one at a time, when she turned her back to class. People would giggle & she’d turn to see what was funny so you had to be quick.

One day Jimmy stood up when it was his turn and whipped it out and started stroking. He was erect. This was new so people laughed.

When the sub turned around from writing on the chalkboard Jimmy kept going, staring right at her.

“What are you doing?”

He said, “I was looking at your ass but now it’s your tits.”

She flushed deep red and told him to stop it at once. You could tell she was flustered. So was a lot of the clsss.

He said, “Okay,” and came, shooting five big streams of cum into the aisle. A few girls sitting on the aisle squealed and moved to one side.

Miss Jenkins went pale. She tapped the box of Kleenex on her desk and told him to clean up his mess.

From a Novel In Progress, Halstead In Church

Halstead remembered being in a Presbyterian church as a non-voting Youth Caucus observer. He sat in a balcony with the other delegates, gazing down at the Redstone Presbytery’s arcane political shenanigans. These took place in the sanctuary of a large regional chuch, with ministers sitting in the pews normally occupied by their parishioners. A congregation of crows, some in dog collars, most in black suits with black shirts and black ties, their faces serious, their business worldly. What bills to pay, which to defray, and how best to raise money were their concerns. Each group had driven hours, miles to get there.

Observers had to climb to the balcony. Halstead had taken a front pew while the others chose back ones, the better to play tic-tac-toe or thumb wrestle, to chit-chat and otherwise find ways to pass the mind-numbing time.

Beside Halstead, the only other person at the balcony’s front, sat a young woman with classical features. She was, in profile, stunning, as if a painting of the madonna sans child had materialized. Halstead amused himself by imagining her to be the Virgin Mary, slumming. Her limpid gaze, root-beer brown, watched the proceedings with detached amusement. This was the first trait that drew Halstead’s attention other than her continental profile.

New Couple In the Neighborhood by EvB

His older sister dropped her dress; she was naked under it. Flopping onto the bed, she spread her arms and legs. “Who’s first? Twenty bucks a hole.”

Five of his friends crowding the two-person dorm room gaped, then dug into their pockets. There was enough cash in the room for four of them to fuck her once, one hole of choice. Zippers fell, cocks rose.

Jim watched his friends one after the other. Three chose her cunt, only one her mouth. All got hard again almost immediately after coming.

“Come on.” He grabbed the fifth friend by his swollen cock. “Can’t leave you hanging.” He’d been jacking off but she guided him into her. He bucked three times and fell limp on her. She laughed. “Pay me later.”

“Should be half price.” Jim’s joke referred to how fast the fifth guy had gotten off, but it drew his sister’s attention to him.

She smiled. “How about you, little brother?”

At once he was rock hard. “You’re my sister.”

“So you can go for free.”

He started trembling. “Seriously?” He suspected she was tricking him so she could pull some humiliating joke. It had happened many times as they’d grown up in the cold house back in Michigan.