Miley Cyrus Literotica Pt. 2

?Recap: Miley chuckled at her reaction before shoving her mouth against the hole and licking/tongue fucking it like it was her last meal. Her face was buried between ass cheeks and Autumn’s face was buried in Alexis’ juicy pussy.

So far, this night was going swimmingly well and Miley knew it would only get better.?

Part 2:

Miley pulled away from Autumn’s voluptuous ass, her tongue licking her lips, savoring every flavor of the beautiful girl.

She couldn’t believe how fervent her desire to please these women were.

Her pussy throbbed with every dirty thought that crossed her mind.

She suddenly gripped onto Autumn’s hair and pulled her away from the treat that was Alexis’ snatch. She spun Autumn around to face her then roughly made out with her, the taste of Alexis dancing upon both of their tongues.

When she breathlessly pulled away, her raspy voices whispered out, “Go Get my strap on. I see some holes that need to be fucked…”

Autumn quickly scurried off of the bed to search the nearby suitcase for pleasure toy, all the while Miley’s eyes were locked on Alexis’.

So…I write Literotica…

Guilty as charged. This one is about Miley Cyrus and can be found under my current handle (GeneralHeartBouqetx). Why Miley? Cuz I have a girl crush,damnit. There’s a part two that I’ll upload.
Feedback me, bitchez!?

The dubstep from the party room downstairs was muffled by the walls of the elevator, but it seemed that the bass still made its presence known no matter where she went. The floor seemed to buzz in time with the tune. Well, it was the music or the extra “razzle” in the bud she held in between her fingers.

Whatever the case may be, she didn’t care. She walked away with three highly coveted awards from her latest album, performed a crazy set at the after party, and had enough *poison* in her system to numb any pain from the past, present, and future. “Fuck yes…” She muttered as the elevator dinged and the doors opened to her penthouse suite awaiting her.

Security stood guard by her door; oh trusty security. Always keeping her and her secrets safe. She shot Aldo, head of the Security team, a wink as he opened the door to hazy, dim lit room.