The Punishment [M/F/F] (Straight Sex) (Domination) (Pegging) (Lesbian)

The Punishment

For the third time in as many months Sean found himself inside Sabrina’s apartment. His girlfriend had dumped him last September while she was cheating on Sean with her ex, and he had still not mentally recovered from their breakup. After she left, he had needed some relief and a way to forget about her and move on.

Sean had tried dating again, but he found it to be exhausting. Balancing multiple women on Tinder, Bumble and text messaging became difficult. He had spent more time on these apps than he had actually meeting and dating the women. He wanted simplicity. He wanted sex. Great sex to forget about his ex.

It’s not like Sean was bad looking. He wasn’t. Women were drawn to him with reckless abandon. At 6’1″ Sean was taller than most women he dated, he had short brown hair, a cute face and an athletic body. He didn’t have to work very hard to stay in shape and keep his six pack abs. Sean hit the gym at least four days a week and ate well. It helped him feel young even as he approached his thirties.

The Hike [M/F] (Straight Sex, Outdoors)

The Hike

Erica wanted to get out of the house. She had been hunkered down with her boyfriend Josh in their shared apartment for nearly a year and a half during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic began to subside she found herself longing for some time out in nature.

“Hey babe, let’s go hiking today,” she said as Josh was rolling out of bed.

“Hmm, maybe,” Josh replied. “I could probably use some fresh air.”

Erica pulled on her yoga pants and sports bra. Josh marveled at her figure. At 5’2″ and 130 pounds, Erica had a body sculpted by obsessive fitness at their local CrossFit gym. She was there at least four days a week doing the most brutal workouts and crushing most of the men.

Erica was a beautiful woman, naturally voluptuous. Her body was tight with muscle, and she knew she had a killer body. Thin, tan legs led up to a taut tummy that was almost cartoon-like but had all the right curves. She had a small, firm ass and an impressive protruding chest as well.

“I’m going to swing by the store and get some things for the trail. You want anything Josh?” she said.

The Anniversary [M/F] (Straight sex, married couple, lingerie)

The Anniversary

Steve noticed a small package on the kitchen counter. It was from Amazon and it was addressed to his wife. It felt soft, almost as if there were nothing in it. What was it he wondered?

“So what’s in the package?” Steve asked his wife Karen.

“Hmm, you’ll see tonight,” she replied.

Today was their anniversary. After fourteen years of marriage and raising their son, they struggled to maintain intimacy. Both Steve and Karen tried their best, but time and familiarity made it difficult to think of sex as something new and exciting.

What Steve wouldn’t give to experience sex with Karen for the first time again. He remembered going to a party with her about 20 years ago after meeting at work, and then going back to her place. They ripped off each other’s clothes in the dining room of Karen’s small apartment and were almost naked by the time they reached her bedroom. Steve remembers removing Karen’s tight brown pants, exposing her panties for the first time. This was always something he thought about when pleasuring himself. And then removing her panties to see her pussy for the first time. The unfamiliarity and vulnerability of that moment was impossible to replicate of course, which was why things eventually become stale between married couples.

Virtual Sex [M/F] (Straight Sex, Sci-fi, Masturbation)

Virtual Sex

Thomas had loved video games and technology since he was young. He had always wanted to own the most high-tech devices and was adept in just about any video game genre in existence. After college he had taken a job at a Silicon Valley tech firm as an entry level programmer. His goal was to get noticed in the gaming industry, but first he had to do his time doing grunt work.

Thomas had two things going for him. He was becoming the go-to programmer for his manager at work, and he was good looking. Despite all of his coding and gaming, Thomas had a lean, toned body from hitting the gym on weeknights, and he spent a lot of time on his appearance.

Thomas’ girlfriend Annabelle thought that he worked too much. At nineteen, she didn’t really understand what it took to climb a corporate ladder. After all being a fitness model, she had won the genetic lottery and eased into her profession and made great money on Instagram and YouTube. Thomas felt that she didn’t work as hard as he did, and well, he was right. But that did not matter so much. They loved each other and got along well.