Hi all, not an active member of this sub or even a lurker. Just a desperately horny guy with nowhere else to turn!
As the title suggests I read an erotic novel as a teenager discovered in an attic of a house we’d just moved into. Sadly there was no cover to the book and it was so many years ago now I remember little of the plot.
What I do remember is that it was set in England, I distinctly remember the MC, a young lady I believe may have been American, taking a trip to Soho. All else I remember is that she was perhaps staying with a relative, possibly an Uncle, and while there discovers her sexuality.
The key scene that’s stuck in my head all these years and will possibly help identify the book is a scene where the Uncle or family friend leaves a rose in the MC’s anus. A lot of the book focussed around anal sex I believe if that helps.
Thanks to anyone who may be able to point me in the right direction…