[MF] birthday sex really is the best

Recently had my birthday and it’s the only time when my wife actually shows desire to make love. Usually, sex for us is sadly a chore to her, a checkbox she has to mark off which sometimes she is happy to postpone at times. Despite any overtures of romanticism or emotional validation, I have unfortunately to embrace that my life is a predominantly sexless one. But on my birthday…it’s the one occasion where she puts in effort to truly be initiate and it’s amazing. For context, we’re both Asian, she’s 5’1, petite, size b breasts especially since having kids. Me 5’9, husky, 6 inch cock, full head of hair.

This year, after crawling into bed, rather then the usual good night and we fall asleep on our respective side of the bed, my wife actually pulled me in for a passionate make out session. She reaches down and grabs my cock and begins jerking me off. By then, we have stripped down fully and she moves down to give me a blowjob. I get harder and harder in her mouth and at this point I also turned on that I want to eat shit out of her pussy. Unfortunately after appealing to her to do so, she maintains her ongoing position that she doesn’t want me eating her out – no matter how much I want to. I have accepted she is self conscious of her hygiene no matter how much I tell her How hot and delicious her pussy is.