Rodger stands in total silence as the fires around him are put out and damage reversed by the four he had crossed the Veil with.
All the years he’d known Prince Fernando as a friend and loyal servant, never had Rodger suspected that the Prince of Rosa was gay in nature or that he would have bonded to someone from the other side. The idea of both made his skin crawl to some degree, but none as much as the latter. He shudders at the thought of telling the King and Queen both new facts he had stumbled upon but knew that it had to be done.
“Did anyone manage to place a tracker on either of them?” Rodger says, as his eyes stay fixed on the spot Fernando and his unsavory mate once stood.
“I managed to, Commander,” Stella says as she confronts him. “Just barely, but I was able to place one on the savage.”
“Exhalent,” Rodger says, taking in Stella. She was a woman of blonde hair and pale skin, roots of an immigrant to Rosa Providence from somewhere across the Atlantic.