Round two in the Rockies

So after my first night I wake up in her bed. Were both naked so I decided to rub her back. She chirped and quickly woke up. We started kissing again and I got on top of her. We fuck properly. This goes on for about ten minutes and I finally cum inside her.

Soon after she and I are taking a shower and discussing the plan of the day. We decided to head over to Golden and check out Lookout Mountain. I wanted to mention this part because it was the closest I've ever been to space on Earth. And that bowl of hydro really helped put things in perspective-Normally I don't smoke but when in Rome ya know?

She tells me about a little hidden spot on another mountain that her college friends used to hang out and party in total seclusion. My brain immediately gave way to my dick and simply asked her to "Lead the Way."

We drive for another twenty minutes to another mountain range. She parks her car in a small clearing and loads another bowl. We smoke and soaked in the view. She plugs her phone in to the car speakers and starts playing "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Grieg.

Mile High adventures in Colorado

Hey guys, I've been lurking here for a while and I figured I had a story worth sharing. I live in Texas and lately I haven't had much luck with women. I wouldn't call it a dry spell it's just that things haven't worked in my favor in a long term sense.

So a few weeks ago I get a call from one of my high school friends. I tell her about how I've been feeling kind of depressed and stressed out because I'm moving up north to a major university.

She told me to fly up to Denver for a few days and clear my head in the Rockies. I've never been and I consider myself a world traveler so I booked a flight. She seemed surprised at first but warmed to the idea of having a sexy man stay at her place for a few days.

Over the next week we text back and forth and shared dirty pics.

Finally, I flew in on a Friday and she was waiting for me at the air port. She looked great. 5' tall, tight body and a beautiful ass!