Traffic jammed [MF]

[Heading home to visit the parents]( isn’t always fun. While I do miss not having to pay for rent, getting 3 square meals, and the family dog, I always feel like I’m back in high school. Not being able to sleep in the same bed as my loving SO doesn’t help matters.

That means no sin.

The last time my current partner Becca and I went to visit my folks, we ran into some traffic not 20 minutes from my old house. So close to meatloaf and *Golden Girls* reruns til I drop!

Becca, my current girlfriend, is very much my type. Dark hair, pale skin, and very curvy. Thick with a couple C’s (and also a wonderfully supportive, funny, and smart human, but us deviants can’t get off on that.), with a libido to match. 3 days at home with no privacy, in a home saged with Catholic guilt, tends to inflame the carnal tensions.

But the old country highway had slowed to a crawl. At this rate, we weren’t going to make it for pie, let alone dinner. We had to make our own fun.

The Rebound That Was Promised [MF]

*As with some of my better stories, this happened during my later years in undergrad. My current relationship is approaching /r/deadbedroom status and I find myself waxing nostalgic. I’m 5’11”, have a decent runner’s build (with an Adonis belt, to boot!), and wear glasses for you fellow dorks out there. Names have been changed. I’ll do a page break or whatever if you just want to read the sexy bits. I like textual foreplay.*

It was the week after Valentine’s Day, 2014. Celia and I had just broken up, in a very, very mutual way. In reality, she dumped me. Grad school, in combination with an LDR is tough on most relationships… and I wasn’t nearly as good of a partner then as I am now. We both made our share of mistakes. No cheating, though she *had* recently started talking with her ex; I was overly neurotic. She was my first **real** girlfriend, and I loved her in spite of myself.

In short, I was fucking miserable and my friends knew it.

Snapped from my reverie. *”Get in, dickhead, we’re going to get food.”*

Skinny dipping was colder than I thought… [M/F]

Big fan of GWS, so I finally decided I'd give back to the community. If this is received well, I might return with more stories!

Backstory goes here. Turn the page when you hear the shimmer sound effect to get to the sexy bits.

I've always been an awkward guy. Puberty came and went, but it wasn't until my 20s that I grew into my looks. 6', dirty blonde, blue eyes, fit. (Not swole, to my ego's dismay, just lean.)

Cue 21 year old me. I was dating a lovely girl. We had met in university through a mutual friend. Celia was a spitfire, a real Mediterranean dream girl. She may have had a love/hate relationship with her hair, but her raven curls were worthy of Olympus. Short and athletic, she had small but perky breasts, but her real asset was her ass. (My new favorite word after dating here? Callipygian.)

She was a year older than I, and so after she graduated, we eventually went for the long-distance thing. There's an old saying that goes, "absence makes the heart grow fonder." Among other things, as I found out more than a few times. But I digress.