Plagiarism [No BS]

To the other writers who post here, your posts may be reposted on another site. I found one of my stories on LindaLadd: [Spectrum Sex]( My original post: [Spectrum Sex – Reddit post](

To date: I have posted my non-BDSM erotic pieces only on this sub. I won’t be doing that any more. I am not sure as yet where I will post those pieces. If you want to read anything I have written, you can check my profile.

Spectrum Sex [disability]


Welcome to I’m the owner/publisher of the site. My name is Quinienne Martens, and I am autistic. I have Asperger’s.

I made this site for people with autism and people who are in a relationship with an autistic person. I want it to be fun and educational. Mostly fun, of course!

When I first got a boyfriend, we talked about the usual stuff that people talk about. We liked a lot of the same video games and anime. We liked some of the same music. I only liked some of the foods that he likes. We enjoyed talking, and found things in common. He said I was “refreshing”, which I think meant that I was different from other girls he talked with. I say things differently, I act differently, and I think differently from people not on the spectrum. We had a lot of fun in those days.

Keeping it Safe [MF]

“Honey, do you have your gloves on?”

“Yes, I do,” he said.

“What about your mask?”

“Yep. That too.”

“And your bodysuit?”

“Yes – For Christ’s sakes, will you hurry up? I’m boiling in this damned thing!”

“And the condom?”

“Yes, yes, yes – I have every-fucking-thing on!!”

She came around the corner wearing a surgical cap, goggles, a respirator-style mask, a nylon body stocking with a hole cut in the crotch, opera length gloves, and white athletic tub socks. Quickly, she hopped up on top of him and got his condom-covered cock inside. For a mad few minutes, they bucked and heaved, each of them trying to suck more air through their masks.

Almost as soon as he finished, she climbed off and went into the bathroom to strip everything off and shower.

“Your money’s on the dresser,” he said, pulling off the mask and throwing it away. He discarded the gloves too. The bodysuit got thrown in a hamper with a tight-fitting lid.

“Thanks for your business, and thanks for keeping it safe,” she called, toweling off.

A few seconds later, her door bell rang.

Preggo [Mast-F]

Amélie was at work when the first really bad urges hit, so she tried to ignore them. If she tidied the receptionist desk, that should be distracting. It wasn’t. She was so horny she couldn’t stand it, and so pregnant she literally couldn’t stand up for much longer. When she sat back down, her butt wiggled against the seat.

“Stupid hormones,” she told herself. A glance at the clock told her that she wasn’t even close to her morning break. Someone from the next floor up would come down and relieve her reception duties for 10 minutes. 10 minutes would be more than enough to really relieve her, but Amélie didn’t think she could wait 45 minutes for her break.

She couldn’t leave the phone or the desk. There were surveillance cams everywhere she looked. Ever since the cyber attack, when the servers were hijacked and ransomed, the company was paranoid about security, and allergic to privacy.

Starting to feel a little panicked, Amélie looked around the desk and her area behind it. There was a claustrophobic store room just a couple feet from the desk. If she went in there, she could at least relieve herself…

Firsts F/F young/old

**Writer’s Note:** This piece of fiction contains mature language and content. If this is not what you want to read, please choose something else.

Please also feel free to make comments, as this is not a genre I usually produce.


This bar is not my kind of place at all – I stick out, like the proverbial sore thumb. There are thirty-somethings all around me, drinking and laughing. I can’t make head or tail of what I overhear, because I can’t figure out the context. So I just sit at my table – it was the first open table close to the door. I keep wondering what the hell is wrong with me.

I am 63 years old and meeting someone new.

I described myself to her as skinny fat, and she didn’t understand what I meant. I wear a size small, but I’m not toned even though I am a little taller than average. So I’m skinny but jiggly. She laughed and told me I’m cute. She said she saw the pic I posted on my profile. It’s the only pic I posted. I am not the type to take a boatload of pics of myself.

Today [FMM] [Gentle Femdom] – Part 2 of 2

**Writer’s Note:** This piece of fiction contains mature language and content. If this is not what you want to read, please choose something else.

Thomas, ten years ago

Tonight is going to be intense. I haven’t seen Jonquil this excited for some time. A set of urethral sounds came in the mail this morning, and she wants me to watch her open the package.

The first time I heard about sounding was a loud call from Jonquil in the study. It was about a week ago.

“Come here quick, Thomas!” When I came in the door, Jonquil had her face in the monitor. “Watch this!”

She hit play. A man was sticking a piece of metal into his penis. Then he attached a TENS unit and turned it on. He let out a deep grunt and that was the end of the video. All I could think was, “What the fuck?” Jonquil turned to me with a huge grin.

“I know – what the hell was that, right? That was what I thought. Then I found out what it is called. ‘Sounding’ – that is the term for it. I found a lot more videos.”

Today [FMM] [Gentle Femdom] – Part 1 of 2

**Writer’s Note:** This piece of fiction contains mature language and content. If this is not what you want to read, please choose something else.

Tyler, Last Week

In three days, Miss Jonquil will collar me, making me Hers alone. Well, not exactly only Hers. Her submissive husband Thomas will be there too. It is kind of difficult to explain our relationship. I guess it is like a pyramid. Miss Jonquil is the entire top of that pyramid. Thomas is a good part of the middle. I am the layer next to the ground. Maybe we’re more like the best lemon meringue pie: a whole pile of meringue, a smooth layer of lemon pudding, a light crust at the bottom. You can’t have a whole lemon meringue pie without all the parts.

Yesterday, I said, “It’s about time, Miss Jonquil.” It was saucy, I know, but I could tell Her mood was not stern – and besides, I have been Her Toy for almost two years.

The Detwiler Boy – Part 2 [MF] [Supernatural]

**Writer’s Note:** This piece of fiction contains mature language and content. If this is not what you want to read, please choose something else.

Part 2

When she got home late that afternoon, Callie sang out, “Lucy, I’m home! I gotta lotta ‘splainin’ to do!” She shed her jacket, and it floated to the coathook.

Something smelled really good. The table was set. It looked like he had used a sheet in place of a tablecloth. A large candle stood burning on a little saucer in the middle of the table. She tried to force down a smile. It was a sex candle – it was meant for dribbling wax on a person – it was kind of kinky, and she hadn’t had the guts yet to try it on herself. Despite some mis-steps, he was setting up a nice dinner. She recognized what he was doing and started to get emotional. Dinner was in pots and pans on the stove.

“Who’s Lucy?” asked Chris.

“You don’t know Lucille Ball…?”

“I’m kidding!” A paper napkin waved in the air over the chair closest to her. “Please have a seat, ma’am.”

The Detwiler Boy – Part 1 [MF] [Supernatural]

**Writer’s Note:** This piece of fiction contains mature language and content. If this is not what you want to read, please choose something else.

**Part 1**

Callie was playing with her bullet vibrator. The upper register of vibration was always way too intense for her, no matter how horny she was, no matter what brand of bullet she had – so her bullet was set to a nice, low, steady hum as she put it on the tip of her clit. Without any warning, the vibration stopped. Irritated, Callie smacked the vibrator, shook it, then turned it off and back on. Her preferred low vibration started again, and she put it against her clit with a sigh. It stopped.

“Oh, for Christ’s sakes,” she said. She opened her nightstand drawer and got a couple new batteries out of the package. Then she opened up the battery compartment and removed the old batteries.

Callie’s whole world slipped sideways.

The vibrator started vibrating on maximum without any batteries in it! She shrieked and let go of everything in her hands, the lid to the compartment falling to the floor, the body of the vibrator dancing across the bed, batteries scattering onto the floor.

Jelly Bang – A Parody

If eating were filmed like sex…

Imagine, if you will, a 55 minute film of a man eating a powdered jelly doughnut. The doughnut is incredibly large. The man first slobbers absolutely all over the doughnut. Then he rubs it over his face and head while moaning. Oddly, the doughnut does not fall apart. He spanks himself in the face with the doughnut and then squeezes it mercilessly. Suddenly, then repeatedly, the audience sees the first bite taken from the doughnut in slow motion and closeup. His teeth dig into the pastry. There is a wide explosion of jelly – it washes down his body. Strangely, the spray of jelly keeps on coming. It gets on the wall. It goes up his nose. He doesn’t even wince when it gets in his eye. Eventually, the flow of jelly slows down, becoming a weak red dribble down his face. The doughnut looks much as it did at the start of the movie, except for the bite mark which has one small dot of red jelly. The man starts picking jelly off himself and rubbing it over his lips. He even mines a bit of jelly out of his nose and eats it.