Pissing off my friend [mm <3]

“Stop talking wouldya?!” S shouted at A, “I’m tryn ta sleep ova here!”. “More of a shout than a question really..”, A thought to himself.

It was a hot day, one of those days where the bugs were too hot to buzz, and the air conditioning couldn’t help but drone out the sound of almost any other quiet tinkering, this obviously didn’t include A constant nosing around..

“So did you like her like her?”, A continued unperturbed. S let out a loud groan that resembled anything but a yes or a no to A who was starting to get as annoyed with S just about as S was annoyed with him.

“…meaning”, A pushed further.

“Meaning she wasn’t what I was looking for.” S conceded.

A let out a sigh, and it was S turn to ask a question, “Why do you care so much anyway, what’s it to you?!”

A squinted one eye while directing the other to the side, “Nothing really, I was just worried about you”, he replied.

*sorry not good at typing on the phone, if you want more story let me know XD*

Not my first and not my last encounter with my gay lover MM*

This is my first post, maybe my last depending on the reception, don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for validation as a writer, but I’ve always been insecure about my sexuality. Let me explain, growing up I was as straight as could be, shy, but also straight, at the YMCA showers I’d always hide away in the single stalls, not wanting any other man to look at my naked body, not withstanding my choice for him to do so, sorry, that’s not exactly true, I didn’t think about it nearly as much as it bothered me, I just didn’t want eyes on me, my father made fun of it, “what’re ya hiding?!” He’d exclaim in his own way, not understanding my own fear of displaying myself in front of other guys, it wasn’t his fault, he didn’t understand my own proclivities of lack thereof in the realm of social awareness, I had my own insecurities, my own preoccupations, and if more is to be told let me know you want to hear it, thank you.