[FM] Hooked up with a work colleague, realized I’m kinkier than I thought [Part 4]

tl;dr summary of Part 1 (posted [from my perspective](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cdptfa/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/) [F] and [from his](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ciqexa/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/)): we’re both PhD students in the natural sciences working on the same project at different universities, met in person at a workshop/conference, hooked up on the last night, ended up having sex outside for several hours with some BDSM vibes, including him ordering me to post about our encounter on this subreddit.

tl;dr summary of [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ceeei4/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/): short update that despite living thousands of miles apart, the sex was so good we decided to meet up again so he could help me explore my growing interest in BDSM.

tl;dr summary of [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e3n6wu/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/): we get called to a project meeting and decide to hook up on the DL. Night 1 is fun and relaxed sex to re-establish our connection. Night 2 is supposed to start our more intense exploration of BDSM (and to be fair, I do I slap him in the face at one point), but I have to work, so it ends up being basically a repeat of night 1.

So now Part 4 (Nights 3 and 4).


[FM] Hooked up with a work colleague, realized I’m kinkier than I thought [Part 3]

tl;dr summary of Part 1 (posted [from my perspective](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cdptfa/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/) [F] and [from his](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ciqexa/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/)): we’re both PhD students in the natural sciences working on the same project at different universities, met in person at a workshop/conference, hooked up on the last night, ended up having sex outside for several hours with some BDSM vibes, including him ordering me to post about our encounter on this subreddit.

tl;dr summary of [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ceeei4/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/): short update that despite living thousands of miles apart, the sex was so good we decided to meet up again so he could help me explore my growing interest in BDSM.

So now Part 3 and Part 4: our actual reunion. It’s long, so I’ve split it in two. The more explicitly kinky shit happens in Part 4, which I’ll post tomorrow. I’ve also put in some headings to make it easier to scroll down and find “the good parts” if you hate exposition.


**The Set-up**

[FM] Hooked up with a work colleague, realized I’m kinkier than I thought [Part 1 from his POV]

Link to [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cdptfa/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/) from my POV

Link to [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ceeei4/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/) (also from my POV)

Simon sent me his version of the events that I told in Part 1 as a present, so I thought I would share it here in case people wanted to read what it was like from his perspective. He actually sent it as an audio recording (with intro/outro and interstitial music, like a real podcast) as well as a text file, so it was really nice to hear it read out loud in his voice – I’ve definitely gotten off while listening to it several times already. :)

Most of it was not surprising, based on what we’ve talked about in our text conversations since the encounter, but a few things did catch me off guard. 1) I had no idea he was so nervous about the conference overall. He seemed very comfortable the whole time. 2) I had no idea that he doesn’t typically come from blow jobs, so the fact that I was able to get him off with my mouth makes me feel rather nice about my skill set. 3) I had no idea how much he enjoyed the feeling of my pussy in particular. I’ve gotten a similar compliment from only one of my many previous partners, so maybe it is a size/shape match thing. Or he’s just trying to flatter me, lol. 4) I don’t know why this never occurred to me, but until hearing his story, I didn’t even think about the fact that he had to go that breakfast meeting with his advisor and a bunch of other people still covered in pussy juice. Whoops.

[FM] Hooked up with a work colleague, realized I’m kinkier than I thought [Part 2]

I mentioned in the comments on Part 1 that the [Part 1] tag was a mistake: I initially thought I would have to split my story up before I knew the character limits for posts. However, I do have a very short update, and it has the added bonus of making that initial title not a lie.

S was very pleased with my story. He sent me many snaps over several hours that evening to demonstrate exactly how pleased. Apparently custom-made, historically-accurate, self-insert erotica does wonders for your refractory period. On my end, I was basically a wet, quivering mess all day at work yesterday. He sent me a voice recording in the morning telling me how much he loved it, and I listened to it over headphones about 20 times , which was pretty hot – I share an office with several other people. And I still managed to get some science done! At one point we had a text conversation going that was about equal parts hardcore sexting and critiques of citation management software, and how did I not know this was something I needed in my life?

[FM] Hooked up with a work colleague, realized I’m kinkier than I thought [Part 1]

I’m a female grad student in the sciences. I’ve been to a handful of conferences over the past few years, but this summer was the first time I met and fucked someone at one of them. It also happened to be my first sex outdoors and led to a lot of personal realizations about my sexuality. It’s kind of a long story, but I had to do it justice, for reasons that will become obvious at the end. Feel free to skip The Set-Up section if you want to go right to where it gets physical.

**The Set-Up**

The week-long conference was my first time at one of the fancy, smaller meetings, where it’s mostly professors, and everyone gets drunk together and stays up late almost every night. As a bonus, it was located in a beautiful, remote, natural area. Technically speaking, I did know him (“S”) beforehand. Our advisors are collaborators, and for parts of our respective doctoral theses we’re working on different parts of the same big project. We’d been on a couple of big conference calls together, and emailed each other a few times to coordinate various aspects of our work. Based on these interactions, I thought he was reasonably attractive, pleasant to interact with, and competent at his work. However, I hadn’t felt sexually attracted to him, so I went into the conference not expecting anything, and not even thinking about the fact that I would be meeting him in person for the first time.