Beezlebubs Suprise Gift! (Beezlebub x Lucifer x Justice)

For a surprising first time, the helltaker household was missing someone: namely the owner. Helltaker was on extended duty at the neighborhood fighting ring for a special event, and the demons were taking this to its full advantage. By the first two hours, all the Alcohol supply had disappeared. Lucifer and Justice were on the couch, drinking some apple juice, which Helltaker had recommended before he left.

*Its really good!* He said, not mentioning the fact it tasted like raw sugar. Justice and Lucifer immediately spit out, fully disgusted.

“HOT DAMN, I expected it to be better. Yuck.” Lucifer said, slamming the cup on the coffee table. Justice nodded in agreement, albeit a little gentler with hers.

“Its alright. By the way-“as Justice was about to make a point, a great black void appeared in front of them, its spiraling void descending into an unknown abyss. Out popped a familiar red clothed demon, a big smile on her face, a small box in hand.

“HEY HELLTAKER! ITS ME, YOUR BEST BUD BEEZLEBUB! I GOT A GIFT- where is he?” She asked, stepping out of the portal. “I only get about 12 hours out of this thing before I go back. Oh, hey Luci! Good to see you Justice as well. So where the harem master?” She asked, looking around. Lucifer snickered, folding her arms.

One hell of a birthday Present! (Lucifer x Helltaker)

One hell of a birthday gift!

A warm, sunny day. Beautiful in all its elements, the sky, the grass. Although it was colder now, approaching the fall season, the home of demons and a singular man was still warm and heated as it always had been, In all senses of the word.

But today.

Today was different.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Cerebrus cried with joy, little poppers in their hands, the speckles going everywhere across the living room floor. Next thing he knew, Cerebrus was all over the floor, rolling in the stuff with the utmost glee.

Helltaker sat on the couch, a surprising smile on his face. today was going to be good day. He did not care what the demons did today, as long as he was happy. He was going have a good birthday goddamit. Although he tried to convince himself the past few months of demon-caring-hood were worth it, the initial effect had begun to wear off, and he now saw them instead as troubling roommates.

Of course, not all the time, to be. Ahem. Devils advocate, so to speak. He though to himself what he would do today.

Judgements Contest! (Helltaker x Judgement)

Hey yall, heres another fic! Enjoy!

Helltaker sat on the couch, reading through the monthly TRADITION COOKING magazine he was subscribed to. It was one of his favorites to read, and in the current hot summer weather the desert section was especially attractive. As he read, a familiar tanned face appeared in front of him.

“HELLTAKER! WHAT LITERATURE ARE YOU CONSUMING THIS MORNING?” roared Judgement. It was still very early in the day, and he had just woken up. Now he was definitely awake.

“Its this months edition of TRADITION COOKING. Some good stuff in here. And you know there’s no one in here today.” She sighed a breath of relief, and sat down next to him, her breasts bouncing a little.

“Oh thank hell. My throat just gets so tired, especially in the humid summer. Any plans for today?” She asked, leaning on the couch.

“Not much, might go to walk on the beach today.”

“And what do at this beach, besides walking?”

“Dunno, might eat something, fish, spectate a judged beauty contest.” Her eyebrows perked up.

“A beauty contest?” She asked. He nodded, and closed the magazine.

An Angels Sin! (Modeus x Azazel, Helltaker)

Hey everyone, tonights title was provided by u/luciferlovespancakes , thank you! Enjoy!

“ok girls, listen up!” tonight was pretty packed in the household, most of the demons having dinner at once per the month. Helltaker gathered everyone at the table, making sure every girl was there.

Including the odd one out.

“well then mortal helltaker, what do you wish to make an announcement about?” asked Azazel, the curious demon, dressed in her standard angelic white suit. All the other demons at the table, focused or not, turned to her.

“Ahem. Today I have some extended overtime duties today in the local underground ring, and as such will not be home tonight. I expect all of you-“ he glanced at a few of the more mischievous demons, a triplet and rebel in particular-“to be on your best behavior, as impossible of a request that is for you demons.” After a few moans and grumbles, he grabbed his referee jacket, and walked out of the house, taking one more stern glance at the harem. He pointed toward Lucifer. “I assume you will be strict in charge Lucifer?” he asked, the white horned demon blushing.

Justice’ night at the ring! [Helltaker]

Hey everyone, sorry its been a while! Hope you enjoy! This one has a bit more action, perfect for tonights demon.

“Ahhh, that hits the SPOT! Thanks my main man helltaker!”

 Justice said as she patted her belly from the good meal. Helltaker smiled as he finished the last pancake, swerving the pan around to get an even spread of batter. He placed it down as it cooked, and grabbed some yogurt from the fridge to eat. Tonight was cooler than the weeks before, and he finally had recovered his eyes from the gaming sessions he had promised to Malina.

“Awesome. Altered the recipe a bit, glad to hear it goes down good.” He commented, washing some dishes and placing them onto a drying rack. She finished off the pancake, licking her fingers to get every little taste left.

“Hell yea. Say, watcha doing tonight? Ill probably go beat up some dudes.” She joked, looking at the back of her gloves. He finished flipping the pancake, and placed it after onto a pan of other finished ones. He looked toward the fridge, which had a few ads on it he had gathered from the local paper.

Malina and the other meaning of RTS ch3

Heres the awaited Malina chapter! Enjoy! Thank you all for the support, im enjoying writing these!

A few weeks have rolled the calendar over, and as the summer appraoched the days and nights only got hotter.

Of course, so would lovemaking as it did. More heat, less clothes was the general approach for most.

But of course, the helltaker household has only one that must abide by these rules.

“Mannn its too hot, i could fry something on the sidewalk!” The heat exhausted Helltaker commented.

He was sitting with Malina,the sour demon, on the front steps to his door, the gleaming sun blast the earths surface. Even today it seemed the shade wasnt enough. She drank from her vodka bottle, it being already half empty. On her demonic skin wasnt a single bead of sweat, and unlike the nearly shirtless Helltaker, she still had all her clothes on, fancy suit and all its parts. She took a swig of the bottle, her lips smacking as she finished.

Zdrada has some nightly fun…

Hey everyone! Thanks for the reads on the first one, enjoy this second chapter!

A few days have gone by, and now the words out in the hellhouse. Whenever Pandemonica asks for coffee, she now doesnt break helltakers fingers, much to everyones suprise. Modeus, now realizing what may happen, begins to record each sensual encounter, using her lust abilites to their utmost. Now online on fanfiction forums, her succsess on the platform depends on who exactly helltaker takes to the bedroom next.