Lexi Jane: International Superstar (Part 3) [MF] [Cuck] [Creampie] [Bondage] [Long]

# Lexi Jane: International Superstar (Part 3)

^(By Gael Ambrose)

Jake was a selfish lover. Lexi could tell by the way he cleared his bowls in one rip. Anecdotally, she’d noticed that all the selfish lovers she’d brought onto her tour bus had the same behavior: clear a bowl in one rip, start loading more then ask if it’s ok after, clear a few more bowls, babble about how they had a high tolerance but this stuff was still pretty good they guessed, then ask if she wanted to fuck.

As Lexi went through the rules she’d given to Don earlier, Jake stayed true to the selfish-lover formula with one exception: he didn’t ask to fuck at the end. Lexi figured this may have been influenced by Donovan’s presence. Jake started on some rant about the metal band whose t-shirt he was wearing now. Complaining about how they’d really lost their way since their first album. Edgar stopped by the table with another few rounds of coffee. Don took the opportunity to ask where the bathroom was and Lexi found herself alone with Jake for the first time.

Lexi Jane: International Superstar (Part 2) [MF] [Cunnilingus] [Long]

# Lexi Jane: International Superstar (Part 2)

^(By Gael Ambrose)

Lexi could still feel Chuck dripping out of her as she made her way past screaming fans on the way to her tour bus. Despite how long she’d drag her feet after a show, she was always met with a crowd who wanted every last piece of her before she left the city.

She stopped for a few autographs, produced Lexi Jane’s signature smile as she took a few pictures, and blew a kiss to her adoring fans as her security detail swept her away from them and onto the tour bus, just like they were paid to do. She made sure to act as if these things were out of control as her fan’s cellphone cameras rolled. A faint breeze rolled past her buttocks as he ascended the stairs. Lexi wondered how many lucky fans got a good shot and how long it would be until the pictures surfaced online. It was the sort of thing that made a girl like Lexi wet.

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Lexi Jane: International Superstar [MF] [Creampie] [Anal] [Long]

# Lexi Jane: International Superstar

*^(By Gael Ambrose)*

The bitter cold was creeping up Lexi’s spine as she took a puff from her joint absentmindedly. Her road crew was the best in the business, always helping her navigate the labyrinthine of passageways to a good smoke spot before she had to take the stage. Unfortunately, this was a rooftop access affair, the only one, Chuck assured her, would likely be free of cameras. Drone tech always made that something of an uncertainty, but the ample concrete surrounding her was reassuring.

“Damnit!” she hissed as the joint burned her fingertips. She dropped it and snuffed the little fucker out with her knee-high, ruby red boots. She had been lost in thought again. Who could blame her with the pressures she was under these days? Her enabler mother had navigated her successfully through every stage of a pop star’s career—childhood TV star, rebellious teen, and, most recently, recovering addict. Lexi Jane. International superstar, ladies and gentleman. It was hard to stay mad at mom when she was basically wiping away her tears with hundred-dollar bills in the office’s of the country’s top psychologists. That came out of mom’s half. *Fucking bitch.* She thought.