My Latina Ass and my best friend Sadie’s tongue. (LESBIAN)

Hello everyone! For safety purposes I will change the name of the other girl in this story however I will tell you mine. My name is Gabriela I’m a 5’6 Latina . And, this is a story about a very dear friend of mine :)

It was senior year and things were going as usual. As a bisexual girl who grew up with a very open minded mother, I had a lot of sex throughout high school. Now , I didn’t have a tremendously high body count. By the time senior year hit my body count was actually only 4. However 2 of them were from relationships (both males) and the other was my best friend Sadie (female and lesbian) and another good friend of mine Lucas (male and straight). When I wasn’t in relationships sadie and Lucas would come over quite often to have sex (never at the same time). Now as I said. My mother was okay with it as long as I was safe with sex and she was even aware of me owning a few toys.