Joe Troyer, part time stud and full time farmer was getting a late start to his day. Clarabelle had been particularly… needy. Alright, he should have had more self control, but these things happened. He was weak first thing in the morning, and he was starting to realize the cow’s were catching on. And most of a good farmers work was done in the morning! He shook his head disgusted with himself as he walked down the hallway.
His home was rather large. The majority of it was a single story, wouldn’t do to have a bunch of pregnant cow’s going up and down the stairs all the time. So it looked odd from the outside, being large but low built. He made it three doors down when one opened and a voice cleared. He of course knew who it was, he knew every occupant very well.
“You know that’s why Clara isn’t s’posed to get you last. She takes advantage.” He rolled his eyes. Wasn’t his fault that Missy had bet away her time slot over a softball game of all things. The cow’s were always getting into it with each other and finding way’s to screw each other over over. But overall he was still in a good mood after making it out of Clarabelle’s room so he smiled anyway.