Inspired by the works of BDOne
He stood there, tall and strong. His chest rose and fell in quick succession and his back was stiff and sweat dripped from exposed skin on his right arm and leg. Some fell to the golden weave of his collar, and a few drops of sweat even fell from his bare butt cheeks. His plump bottom was more exposed than not by the leotard he wore while performing his duties. All of them…
As his breath calmed completely, the twenty one year old vampire slayer breathed deeply and let his eyes fall closed for a moment. He had survived the hunt, and ahead the first cracks of light began to shine through a hole in the roof and he knew dawn was coming. His brown cheeks pulled back into a smirk. And then they darkened a bit.
‘I hope he’s proud of me…’ The boy thought, and went to retrieve the proof of his successful hunt. As he did his mind retraced how the night went. Because the only way to truly continue to have successful hunts was to never forget past triumphs and tribulations. To always remember his struggles, his trials, his training, and where it brought him. And, by the grace of God, where it would continue to take him. Read more »