[M] A weekend with [M]ark

Previous story [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ifo69b/m26_my_first_time_with_another_m/)

I’ve been chatting and meeting up with Mark for the past few weeks, and having a great time exploring my sexuality with him. Earlier this week, he invited me to stay over the weekend at his place, which I gladly accepted.

I showed up Friday night, and Mark was having a few friends over. I was nervous, because I’m not open about this side of myself yet, but his friends were really nice and welcoming. Mark had floated the idea of a threesome by me before, so I thought that maybe this was a set-up of sorts. I was honestly excited about it, but after an hour or two his friends left. I had the feeling that this was sort of a pre-meet orchestrated by Mark to see how we’d all get along. They were both nice, handsome guys, and very funny. We were laughing the whole time. After they’d left I asked Mark what that was about, and he played innocent saying they were just his friends and they do this every weekend. I could see the way they were all looking at me though, so I decided to get a little slutty and I told Mark that I was game if they were up for it. That brought out a little smile, but we haven’t discussed it much further. I’ll be sure to share if that ever happens!

[M26] My first time with another [M]

This is going to be long. I used a new account for obvious reasons.

For awhile now, I’ve been thinking about being with a man. I recently got out of a long relationship with a girl, and I thought now’s my chance to try. I’m 26, fit and slim, and I like to think of myself as a handsome guy. It shouldn’t be an issue finding someone who’d like to walk me through it, right? So last week I set tinder to match with guys, and after a few days I matched with Mark, who’s a little older than me. He’s tall, around 6’2″, with a burly frame. Strong shoulders and a little bit of a gut, which I was totally into. After messaging back and forth for awhile, I decided to invite him out for coffee. He was so nice and easy to talk to. After I got back home, I texted him that I’d never been with a guy before, and that I was curious, but also nervous about it. He took it well and was fine with helping me broaden my horizons, and said he had a sneaking suspicion that that was the case.