Orc Invasion

The orcs had brought war to my people. They’d conquered five villages by the time our military was able to organize any kind of response. Dozens of battalions fell on the battlefields as we found ourselves constantly losing ground, forced to surrender bigger and more important cities. Eventually, the hoards of our orc enemies approached the mighty walls of our capitol. This was our _last_ stand, the final beacon of our elvish empire. The clouded skies unleash a heavy rain, as though the heavens themselves were weeping for us. Our lines of archers stand four warriors deep, stretching all along our walls. Behind the walls, the last line between our people and oblivion, stand another twelve thousand heavily armed infantry. Truly a military no mortal force would ever hope to fight, yet _there they are_. Endless scores of ravenous brutes eager to shed blood. _Our_ blood.

Haunted pt 1?

My restless slumber was interrupted. I’d been having an incredibly wet dream, so much so that I could feel the juicy arousal between my legs, goosebumps rippling across my body, tank-top clinging to my damp torso as the sweat made my skin shimmer in the scarce light of night, and was filled with desperate need. Clumsy fingers fumbled with my phone, _3:02 a.m._ I chuckled to myself. While I knew the 3 a.m. hour was considered the “witching hour,” I’d never considered myself superstitious enough to believe ghosts, demons, or witches were actually going around in the dead of night. 

A shiver trembled down my spine, regardless. It was the middle of June, and the window air-conditioner struggled to keep my small room cool. So, why was it so _damn_ cold in here? I pull the blanket tighter around me, but the chill remained. _Perhaps it’s so cold because I woke up as a hot mess?_ The thought occurs that I just need to get myself off and get back to sleep, but I couldn’t shake the strange feeling of being watched. I certainly didn’t feel alone in my darkened dwelling, but told myself I was just being silly.

The Babysitter, pt 1

The date ended sooner than expected, leaving me with a bad taste for the online scene. My “match” was just as pretty and friendly as she’d led me to believe, but was part of a married couple looking for their plus 1 – not something I’m interested in. Especially as I’m just getting back into the dating process after finally convincing myself it’s what my late wife would have wanted.

I return home with a confusing mix of disappointment and relief, prepared to work out the pent up frustrations by myself after checking on my kids and dismissing the babysitter, Andrea. Both kids are in bed, sleeping soundly as they usually are when I get back from whatever distracting adventure I may be on, Andrea greeting me from the living room with a start. She hadn’t expected me back so soon, probably thought someone was breaking in. Poor thing. Not that she’d be completely defenseless in that situation, I reckon she could take down most intruders.