Naughty Magic, pt. 1: Angie [M/F][Creampie][University][Spell][Cheat]

The girlfriend of the second string quarterback is jealous of the starter. She wants more for her boyfriend, and decides to curse the starter. The witch gathers all necessary components and casts her spell, altering the fate of these two athletes.

Stan Jones, #9, All American football star. Starting quarterback for his D1 team, team captain, and leading candidate to watch for the Heisman. Everyone loves him, typical “women want him, guys want to be him” kinda thing. GPA of 3.7, impressive even without his athletic distractions.


Don’t get me wrong, he’s a “_nice person_” and all. But he’s completely overshadowing my boyfriend, __Brent Stallor! #13__, “___backup quarterback?!___” They don’t even give him the chance to shine like the phenomenal star he is! Makes me so mad, I could kill someone. …not that I would. It’s just so _unfair._ He led our highschool team to three state championships, practically winning two of them single handedly. Stan totally knows he’d be replaced in an instant if my Brent ever gets any real time on the field, that’s why he doesn’t let him off the bench unless our team is already up by 30. That’s why we’re going to some bullshit “_Cotton Bowl._” Someone needs to do something to avoid another disaster.

Symbiote Evolutions [F/M] [Non-Cons] [Hero]

I’m Cassandra, but most call me Cassie. Really, _most_ call me Nova – my superhero alter-ego name. What started out as a suicide attempt gone wrong led to me developing superpowers, and I’ve been in the hero biz ever since. The manifestation of powers and other brilliant enhancements to my body certainly cured my initial depression, but there are certainly days I’d rather go back to my quiet, boring, debt ridden life. 

My unorthodox origin is standard enough. Tried to off myself with a painkiller overdose at work (after hours, of course), but was discovered by a pair of scientists before the drugs could really kick in. I was genuinely happy to be found, thinking it was some divine intervention, but quickly learned this was not the case. The scientists had no intention of “saving” me, they just happened to be in need of a fresh cadaver. The drugs had barely kicked in, dull clutches of death slowly squeezing from within, when their first experiment began.

Critical Fail (or Success?) pt 1 [F/M][Transformation][Non-Cons]

I wield my vorpal sword in one hand, sturdy shield in the other. The leather strap securing the shield to my arm grips my grieves tightly, plate mail holding strong through the battle. The mage I’d been called upon to vanquish is powerful, but nothing a practiced paladin such as myself can’t handle. I close the distance between us, blocking a colorful variety of spells cast against me, each one deflecting harmlessly off my shield. Until…

A loud ‘_crack_’ rings out, my arm bucking painfully into my chest as my shield breaks apart. Electricity arcs between the shattered fragments as they fall away, and I roll to the side in an attempt to dodge another bit of magic. Fortunately a large rock stands nearby, providing plenty of cover, and just enough time for me to devise a plan. I heal myself with a touch, utter a prayer to my benevolent god, and dive around the boulder sword at the ready! But, _nothing is there_?

The Promotion, pt 1 [F/M][Age Gap][Affair]

I couldn’t believe it. How could he not even _try_ to take advantage of me? I’d given every signal and hint; laughing at all of his stupid jokes (even the ones that weren’t funny), I’d toyed with my hair, slid my hand down his arm, tons of eye contact. Thought my attire alone would have screamed _”fuck me”_ all on their own, but no. Even when we were alone, Mr. Davis driving me home after babysitting his two kids, nothing. I could tell he wanted to have his way with me. His sparkling blue eyes screamed the passion he dared not speak in front of his wife. So, why does he never speak up while we’re alone?

My eyes searched his face for some clue. Something I missed, maybe I’d been misreading? But even in the darkened setting of a late night drive back to my house, the sexual tension was heavy in the air. Just a few more blocks for him to speak up, reach out, pour his heart out to me. Or, at least pull over, tear my skin tight skirt away and pound me in the back seat. I caught him glancing over at me as we turned onto my street. His eyes flashed to my tube top, the thin fabric doing absolutely nothing to conceal my hard nipples underneath the exposed cleavage. I was tempted to pull the top down, bare my tan, firm c-cups in his car. That would surely be enough to send him over the edge.

Haunted, pt. 1 [F/Ghost][Solo F][Creampie][Oral][Anal][Vaginal][Non-Cons]

My restless slumber was interrupted. I’d been having an _incredibly_ wet dream, so much so that I could feel the juicy arousal between my legs, goosebumps rippling across my body, tank-top clinging to my damp torso as the sweat made my skin shimmer in the scarce light of night, and was filled with _desperate need_. Clumsy fingers fumbled with my phone, _3:02 a.m._ I chuckled to myself. While I knew the 3 a.m. hour was considered the “witching hour,” thanks to my self proclaimed Wiccan roommate, I’d never considered myself superstitious enough to believe ghosts, demons, or witches were _actually_ going around in the dead of night. 

A shiver trembled down my spine, regardless. It was the middle of June, and the window air-conditioner struggled to keep my small room cool. So, why was it so _damn_ cold in here? I pull the blanket tighter around me, but the chill remained. _Perhaps it’s so cold because I woke up as a hot mess?_ The thought occurs that I just need to get myself off and get back to sleep, but I couldn’t shake the strange feeling of being watched. I certainly didn’t feel alone in my darkened dwelling, but told myself I was just being silly.

The Babysitter, pt 1 [M/F][Age Gap][Breeding Kink][Creampie]

The date ended sooner than expected, leaving me with a bad taste for the online scene. My “match” was just as pretty and friendly as she’d led me to believe, but was part of a married couple looking for their plus 1, not something I’m interested in. Especially as I’m just getting back into the dating process after finally convincing myself it’s what my late wife would have wanted.

I return home with a confusing mix of disappointment and relief, prepared to work out the pent up frustrations by myself after checking on my kids and dismissing the babysitter, Andrea. Both kids are in bed, sleeping soundly as they usually are when I get back from whatever distracting adventure I may be on, Andrea greeting me from the living room with a start. She hadn’t expected me back so soon, probably thought someone was breaking in. Poor thing. Not that she’d be completely defenseless in that situation, I reckon she could take down most intruders.

Orc Invasion [M/M/M/F][Mind Break][Non-Cons]

The orcs had brought war to my people. They’d conquered five villages by the time our military was able to organize any kind of response. Dozens of battalions fell on the battlefields as we found ourselves constantly losing ground, forced to surrender bigger and more important cities. Eventually, the hoards of our orc enemies approached the mighty walls of our capitol. This was our last stand, the final beacon of our elvish empire. The clouded skies unleash a heavy rain, as though the heavens themselves were weeping for us. Our lines of archers stand four warriors deep, stretching all along our walls. Behind the walls, the last line between our people and oblivion, stand another twelve thousand heavily armed infantry. Truly a military no mortal force would ever hope to fight, yet there they are. Endless scores of ravenous brutes eager to shed blood. Our blood.

Pokémon Misadventures, pt 1 [F/Pokémon][F/F][Non-Cons][Breed Kink]

My alarm chimes, the 5 am wakeup call. It’s an early morning (for me), but the rare Pokémon rumored to be in this part of the region won’t wait around forever. I wriggle free from my sleeping bag and adjust my pajamas. They’d twisted around in the night again, not exactly uncommon for someone who tosses and turns in her sleep. My pack is nearby, and I grab it on my way out of the spacious tent.

The pajamas I am wearing do a good job concealing my early 20s, athletic figure. Don’t know about you, but my parents made absolutely sure to drive home the “everything in the wilds wants to breed you” speech when I said I wanted to be a Pokémon hunter/trainer, even going so far as to suggest I carry a Ditto with me at all times. You know, so when something “leaps from the brush to mate with me I can use it as a distraction.” I looked at them like they were legitimately crazy when they suggested it, but agreed just to shut them up. Imagine my surprise when their advice would actually save me from an especially frisky Machamp a few years ago, and then a pair of Mr. Mimes a handful of months later. I shudder at the memory, that was one sandwich I wanted no part of.

Graduation Sleepover, pt 2 [M/F][Breed Kink][Age Gap][Incest]

I woke up the next day later than intended. The girls were all finishing up breakfast by the time I made it to the kitchen, Janelle leaning over to eat some cereal placed on the island, the exact spot where I’d pumped two loads into her the night before. My eyes lingered on her barely covered ass, the tight yoga pants leaving little to the imagination. She smiled brightly at me when I walked in, biting her lip as she looked at my crotch. Samantha, Blaire, and Claire were all at the table, each of them sharing a coy giggle as I slipped around behind Janelle to get to the refrigerator. My wife was humming happily to herself over a couple of pans while she cooked eggs and bacon, and I cozied up next to her with a cold bottle of water. She kissed me on the cheek when I picked up the spatula, agitating the eggs while she turned the bacon. 

Graduation Sleepover pt 1 [M/F][Breed Kink][Age Gap][Incest]

I really just couldn’t believe it. Tomorrow, my little girl, the light of my life would be walking the stage and graduating! In a few short months she’d be leaving her mother and me for college, and writing her own next chapter. Proud tears form in my eyes as I get ready for bed, reflecting on all the fond memories of my little Claire growing up as I brush my teeth.

A few friends of hers were over for a slumber party. They were referring to it as a “fond farewell to childhood,” one last hurrah before leaving the safety and comfort of home. I can hear them giggling from the master bathroom connected to the bedroom I share with my wife, the fun they’re having echoing from a room on the floor above. Samantha, Janelle, Blaire and Claire. Best friends since at least middle school, Blaire and Claire going all the way back to kindergarten.