[MF] A teacher’s first time playing on this 3 letter app

Well, pandemic times were rough for everybody and teachers, and i specifically, also missed that human interaction, that discussions of different ideas, just weren’t the same online. Online it would get even messier, even more i would say aggressive, and not in a good way.

And yes, of course i also missed a good fuck to get rid of some stress and tension that classes, midterms, finals would cause me. Something that zoom meetings also didn’t help, because after some time i started, girls started showing up on sports bras or in some tight shirts and clearly not wearing underwear (looking at you Angela, not idea how that shirt resisted to the piercing, but that wasn’t hiding anything…).

But anyway, after some research, let’s call it, i started seeing more and more this app called Kappa India Kappa being referenced as one of the top ones for sexting, so in a moment of “loneliness” i decide to try it but after a couple of days of using it I’m still pretty lost on how to add people, how to join groups, how to find people that have the same interests as you mainly. For horniness purposes also, true, but not only.

[MF] Drinking and flirting

This happened a few years ago.There was this friend (F18 at the time), and me (M23), we loved to flirt with each other and do stuff together, smoke funny things, drink, play videogames, our friends almost begged for us to get together, because in their words we were the perfect couple. But due to the age difference and the some mentality differences also we decided we were better as friends (officially at least, of course we eventually tried to date without the rest of “the gang” knowing, to avoid extra pressure, and we were good but never really felt that click so we decided to keep it simple and just be friends). It was the right decision for both of us, we kept going out with other people and honestly don’t think neither of us ever felt jealous or regretted that decision.

[MF] A very private after graduation party

This must be one of my most private stories, although technically nothing wrong happened.

A few years ago, in my first year of teaching, i was, kind of, having an internship in a high school (only year i taught HS also) and got a senior class, where were this girl who was already 18yo. I don’t know if it was for not having that “minor tag” or for me being the youngest teacher in that school by far, or both, but she loved to flirt with me at any chance she had. Anyway for a few different reasons and particularly being my first year i sure as hell did everything i could to avoid to even go correspond in the slightest. I would joke with her to a certain point but make sure the line wouldn’t be crossed.

Loosing it in the trail [MF]

This happened in my senior year. Me and this girl were dating for a while at that point and she really was not the kind to show off in public. At most we would for a run (kinda) and enjoy some breaks to make out and feel each other but that’s it. We were in summer break and with parents at home with vacations, sex was (very) occasional, we basically had to enjoy the few times we were completely alone at home. We both have brothers too and although would be more relaxed with them we still didn’t feel completely comfortable.

Well to improve the situation, her family have a house in the other side of the country, in which they usually spent a couple of weeks in the summer. I was invited but felt bad abandoning my family on our own vacations so decided to not go. We would sext almost everyday and even tried to call but besides being constantly interrupted, well it’s not exactly the same thing!