Actions have Consequences [FM]

I never knew of the existence of this place. Now that I’ve found it, this is going to be my dear diary adventures log.

This happened a few months before the pandemic.

I was seeing a young and ambitious girl. Let’s call her Vivi. Vivi was looking to buy a condo. Good for her. She had seen quite a few but wanted to see some more to be really sure.

This one time she asked me to tag along. I was confounded by this request but obliged. She usually has an acute eye for detail and is more critical than I am. I had time to spare and nothing better to do.

We reached the building on time and was made to wait 20 mins until her agent Kimberly arrived. Her excuse was as dull as her demeanour. I couldn’t care less since I didn’t have to deal with her. We were escorted to the two bedroom condo with a pleasant view (not that great actually). I couldn’t help notice that Kimberly wasn’t treating Vivi with respect. She was very condescending. I have an eye for this kinda thing because I’m an immigrant myself. I had taken an immediate dislike to her. We finished the viewing in 20 minutes.