I [M] fuck my girlfriend [F] in a park in the middle of the day

Hey friends! Here’s a continuation of Rose and my sexcapades following my first post.

So after Rose and I had our quarnication, I had to go back to me apartment and quarantine for 2 weeks in my room before I could hang out with my roommates. Like I said in my last post, covid was pretty new so everyone was being extra cautious. Being stuck in my room for so long sucked, but I was honestly still reeling from such an amazing sex-filled trip (and I had several videos and pictures from our time to tide me over)

After those two weeks were up, Rose and I were eager to see each other. As per my roommates rules, we could have a social distanced picnic at a park, but nothing more than that. Rose, ever being the bad influence, was confident that we could *bend* those rules just a little bit. In my naivete, I truly believed that we could just have a nice picnic in the park and maybe share a kiss or two but nothing more than that.

I give [m]y girl[f]riend 6 orgasms in half an hour.

Hey friends! I’ve been so thankful for the kind messages and comments I’ve gotten from my [first post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jl59nw/my_five_day_quarnication_with_a_thick_red_head/) I’ve been meaning to post more stories for a while, but now that Rose is here, we’ve been *ahem* busy. Here’s some proof:

A few nights ago Rose and I are doing our typical evening routine: getting high, eating burritos, and watching one of the myriad Fast and Furious films. It’s so nice having her back. She’s been in LA for about 3 weeks which has given us plenty of time to have mind-blowingly great sex on a near daily basis. But there was something about this night that felt different.

We’re both laying down in Rose’s bed, spooning while we watch Vin Diesel wax poetic about his found familia. I’ve seen these films countless times so my mind starts to wander as do my hands. We’re both wearing nothing more than our tshirts and undies, so there’s plenty of space for my hands to roam; I start getting a little more adventurous. Though I can’t see her face, I can feel Rose smirking at me as I start to brush my hands against her nipples and lightly grasp her throat. She starts moving her hips up against me, and I already know it’s game over. Her ass is just so irresistibly thick.

I [M] fuck my girlfriend [F] in a park in the middle of the day (pic)

Hey friends!

I got a lot of love from my [first post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jl59nw/my_five_day_quarnication_with_a_thick_red_head/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and I need a ~* d i s t r a c t i o n*~ so here’s another sexcapade from Rose and me.

So after Rose and I had our quarnication, I had to go back to me apartment and quarantine for 2 weeks in my room before I could hang out with my roommates. Like I said in my last post, covid was pretty new so everyone was being extra cautious. Being stuck in my room for so long sucked, but I was honestly still reeling from such an amazing sex-filled trip (and I had several videos and pictures from our time to tide me over)

After those two weeks were up, Rose and I were eager to see each other. As per my roommates rules, we could have a social distanced picnic at a park, but nothing more than that. Rose, ever being the bad influence, was confident that we could *bend* those rules just a little bit. In my naivete, I truly believed that we could just have a nice picnic in the park and maybe share a kiss or two but nothing more than that.

[M]y [f]ive day Quarnication with a thick red head [long]

Long time lurker; first time poster! Skip to the ***** for the sex.


It pays to have good friends.

At the start of the pandemic, I was starting to make peace with the fact that I wouldn’t get laid for a very long time. I had just gotten out of a 2-year long relationship and was *just* getting comfortable with the idea of sleeping with people by the time covid rolled around. So imagine my surprise when I get a text from an old fling, Penny

“Hey. I just realized I might have a lady to introduce you to sometime.”

You see Penny is not only an incredibly hot bi girl in a polyamorous relationship, but she is also an absolute homie. We’ve only hooked up a couple of times, but we’ve become good friends, and like I said at the top, it pays to have good friends.

“She’s quarantined in NYC and she’s also rewatching *Buffy the Vampire Slayer*”

“Brilliant. I love her already.” I texted back, “When’s the wedding?”

“Lol. Well how do you feel about about thick redheads ?”

“…I repeat. When’s the wedding?”