After the fall [MM] [Satanic] [Demons] [Lucifer] [oral] [anal]

When cast to pits of infinite darkness, pleasure becomes the greatest defiance. To love our bodies, that the petty tyrant claimed to have warped, was the next phase of our dissent. 

When I first saw my new form, I wept for the beauty I believed I’d lost. But Lucifer approached me. Just as I, his features were new and shocking. Yet, his eyes were unchanged. From beneath his horny brow, they still shone with compassion. He laid a hand on my chest. 

“I see no reason for tears,” he said running his fingertips down past my stomach. “I see courage, and power, and…” Lucifer caressed my penis. “A weapon.”
I looked into the eyes that I had followed to perdition.
“But the fight is over…” I began to protest. Lucifer hushed my words with a kiss. When our lips parted he whispered;

“You have only lost that which He values.”

He continued to kiss me, laying a trail from my lips, past my neck, to my chest. “And in His ignorance, He has left you with an abundance of riches.” Lucifer then took one of my nipples into his mouth. As he lapped at it with his tongue, he slowly stroked my cock. Even in my despair, his firm grip roused my lust. 

My favourite double standard [MM] [Shower sex] [Romantic] [Vanilla]

“Hnngghh!” Jacob groaned. “This is the best part about visiting your parents.”


I could barely respond. If I’m honest I didn’t really hear what Jacob had said. I was too focussed on his cock sliding in and out of my ass. Hot water poured from the shower head onto my back and between my spread cheeks. The wet sound of Jacob’s hips slapping against my ass bounced off the tiled walls. I reached back to touch him. I loved being bent over like this but I still missed holding him close to me. Jacob wasn’t wrong, shower sex was a great perk of seeing my parents. 

Mom and Dad are old school. The ‘homosexuality is a sin’ type of old school. Obviously, that meant I was still in the closet to my parents, which was not something I was at all okay with, believe me. But, in a funny little loophole, it also meant that I was the only one of their children that could have sex at home.