[MF] My Ex Thought I Gave Him Genital Herpes

He hasn’t had an outbreak. He decided it was time to get tested again since he met somebody and he thinks they might have sex soon and guess what? HSV2 showed up! I’m pretty surprised about this because while I do, in fact have herpes that I told him about before we even met in person, it’s HSV1. Cold sores. Or so I’d always thought.

I’ve had it since I was a baby and always just assumed it was just cold sores but I started thinking, who knows! I’ve never actually been tested. So, I got tested. My doctor is just a bit trifling. He wanted a blow job for a free test!! No, I’m just playing. :-P The doctor’s office did manage to lose my first blood test though! I had to give blood again. When the test came back, I was positive for HSV1 and negative for HSV2. So, I don’t know how my ex picked up HSV2, but it wasn’t me!!!

Honestly, his number is pretty low. I’m not too sure how it works but there are three ranges. Negative, equivocal, and Positive. His number was in the equivocal range, so basically, he has to get tested again in a few months because that might be a false positive or something.

Low SMV old lady tries to get lucky on craigslist: The first buddy – part two.

The First Fuck Buddy: part one https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/40r7fj/low_smv_old_lady_tries_to_get_lucky_on_craigslist/

The Second Fuck Buddy https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/40rbku/low_smv_old_lady_tries_to_get_lucky_on_craigslist/

Two weeks after dumping me and literally the day after I had gone off and fucked and got dumped by another guy, my first craigslist fuck buddy calls me. I'm pleased. We meet up and fuck. He does his disappearing act. By now, I know that's just the way it's gonna be with him. I wait for him to summon me.

Two weeks later, he does. We get into some nasty texting. he tells me he has a party to go to but then he'll do me. I wait all night for him to call me but he never does. A week later, the same thing happens. A week after that, it happens again. This guy keeps spinning me up and then standing me up.

I start to feel like, this fucker must be married or something. I tell him I think he must be married. He says, "LOL! You're the biggest idiot! Come fuck me!" I say, well okay. He stands me up. This went on for about a month and I finally say, to hell with this. I email him and tell him he needs to go find someone he's actually attracted to. He tries to talk me out of it. I ignore him. He stops trying to contact me for a little while.

Low SMV old lady tries to get lucky on craigslist. The second buddy

The First Fuck Buddy: part one https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/40r7fj/low_smv_old_lady_tries_to_get_lucky_on_craigslist/

So, about a week after my first craigslist fuck buddy dumped me. I decide to try again. I post another ad which highlights my fugness as clearly as possible. I'm still desperate to fuck and I'm trying to find a guy who is just as desperate as me.

I don't get as many responses this time because my ad gets flagged. I pick one of the guys who wrote to me. We talk for about a week. Then one day he texts me and I'm just suddenly super horny and I tell him that I really want to fuck right then! He says, "BRB getting a hotel room!"

He tells me where to be and when. I skip on over there. When I get to his room, he's in a towel. I tell him I'm just going to take a quick shower and whip off my clothes right there by the door. One quick shower and a hasty dry off later, I slide into bed beside him.

Low SMV old lady tries to get lucky on craigslist – The first buddy -part one.

This happened about a year ago. Me and my guy broke up. After about six months I decide to see if I could find a fuck buddy online. I've always heard that it's easy for women to get sex online. I post an ad on craigslist.

I didn't want to deal with anyone seeing me in person and deciding to back out so I made myself sound as fug as possible. I was looking for a guy who would fuck anything for sure! I've always heard there are guys like that out there! Surely, I could find one. I said I was looking for an average guy to tap my average ass. I said I was 45 and on the chubby side but I still get a lot of responses to my ad. So I guess it's true.