Blowjob from the girlfriend of a total asshole

This story happened almost ten years ago, is one of the hottest stories of my life, and is absolutely true.

I had complicated friendship with a guy in college who, in the end, was a friend, but in spite of a lot of bad behavior on his part. He was an asshole by nature that patrolled college parties intimidating any non-aggressive personality-type males he could find. Total egomaniac, arrogant, good-looking, and, someone who believes in aggression as a virtue. We became friends early freshman year just because I was basically a bigger dude and didn’t take shit from someone like him, which I think he respected. Of course, he had a bunch of chicks around in the time I knew him, but our junior year he was with one for a while who was probably the best looking of the bunch. She was petite, maybe 5’6”, thin, blonde, C-cup, tight little ass, and your standard private school bitch personality, though innocently caught up in this guy’s whirlwind of a personality at an impressionable age. He cheats on her plenty, they fight, break up, get back together, and on and on. Eventually he cheats on her with this girl who was known to be able to deep-throat, and this gets back to the girlfriend who is furious.