Getting a married mom to squirt on vacation [MF]

Thanks to everyone who has commented on my previous stories or messaged me privately. It’s been fun to share these various encounters with you all and “relive” them via storytelling. The feedback on my week in Cabo has been good, and I thought I’d just finish that off with where I started, our first day and night.

For those who didn’t read the prior editions, easiest background is the first four paragraphs of [this story]( *Go ahead and read those, I’ll give you a couple minutes…*

Okay, so we are dinner and having a good time. It was our first night of vacation, and spirits were good. Almost everyone we were traveling with had come on the plane and were at dinner that evening. When we left the restaurant, someone had the idea to go to a rooftop bar overlooking the water at our hotel. Apparently that was a popular idea to have, as when we got there, there was a surprisingly large number of people gathered.

Running into a familiar face in Cabo [MF] – Part 2

This is the continuation of [this story](

When we finally arrived at my place, McKenna took over, leading me back out to the veranda, overlooking the ocean. We walked straight out to where we were the first time I brought her out there earlier in the week, overlooking the bar and beach. Dropping to her knees again, she pulled my cock back out and engulfed it in her mouth, getting me hard within seconds in a rapid, messy, fashion. She pulled off and looked up at me with some drool dripping ‘Are you gonna fuck my throat now?’ I looked at her in a manner akin to John’s incredulous look earlier, before saying, ‘Really?’

‘Yeah, just do it, I want you to feel you in my throat. Choke me with your dick.’ I was really struggling to see this girl as a future teacher as I put my dick back into her mouth (although I had already had a couple encounters with teachers that I supposed confirmed that they aren’t all that innocent). I started to pump myself in and out as she looked up at me with her gorgeous eyes.

Running into a familiar face in Cabo [MF] – Part 1

As I mentioned in my last post, it was our final full day in Cabo. We were there celebrating as a group, celebrating a huge return on an investment we had made in a real estate venture. With such a varied group, throughout the week people had split off and done various things separately. The group had decided that for our last day, we’d hire a few cars to take everyone up to see the “Hotel California” in Todos Santos, an artist colony about an hour north of Cabo, and then that evening do a dinner together and a bar crawl downtown.

I had originally been indifferent to joining them in Todos Santos and figured I would rather hang out by the pool and look for a hookup as opposed to spending a couple hours in a car and sightseeing, but after starting my morning pounding a 19-year-old college student before she almost threw up in my bed, I decided playing the adult and spending time with my friends was the wiser choice. Besides, now that I had continued my “streak” another day, there was no compelling reason to be on the hunt all day, as there was no groundwork to be laid (so to speak, pun entirely not intended) for future hookups since it was our last day in town.

Inadvertent NNN comes to an end at a strip club [MF]

This is another throwback story that predates my 2021 streak, albeit, just by a couple months. As I mentioned in one of my very first posts, my ex-wife and I had been having relationship problems for a while. No huge blowups, just the bickering that can be both common, but also indicative of a deeper-rooted issue.

Then, COVID hit in 2020 early, and because of my job, I moved out temporarily to protect the family from whatever I may pick up at work. Luckily for all of us, that didn’t happen, but what did happen is that Vanessa and I both realized was that we didn’t miss one another the way we should when living apart. After several conversations about it, we decided to amicably divorce, pursuant to the pre-nup we had executed, and came a settlement rather quickly. Things were finalized in June, and I was all of a sudden a newly divorced man living alone.

Different Cabo beach bar, different college student, same result [MF] – Part 2

Part two of this story, which starts [here](

Apologies for the length on this…


I watched Peyton working my cock for a minute or so, before letting my eyes drift up her kneeling body. As I mentioned when describing first seeing her, her ass was thicc, and the bikini bottoms impossibly small. In the position she was in now, knees on the bed, ass in the air, it looked even bigger, if that was possible. I thought about her comment earlier about receiving oral. I pulled my cock away from her. She looked damned near disappointed when I did. ‘Stay there’ I said to her.

I moved around to the foot of the bed. Peyton’s round ass was pointing up at me, the fabric of the thong straining as it stretched around her. I could see where some of the spray tan had rubbed off between her thighs and in the crack of her ass. It wasn’t necessarily visible when she was standing, but in this more exposed position, it was a little more evident.

Different Cabo beach bar, different college student, same result [MF] – Part 1

Thanks all for following along with my May 2021 adventure in Cabo. After arriving on Friday the 14th, I hooked up with Aimee, a married mom of 1 that night (story to come shortly), met McKenna the recent college graduate on Saturday the 15th (stories on her [here]( and [here](, and met Robin, the married Asian on vacation with her husband on Monday the 17th (stories on her [here]( and [here]( Which brings us to this story, taking place on Wednesday the 19th.

I woke again early and went down to yoga again. Like the day before, the class was outside and was a good mix of about a dozen, mostly women. One of those in attendance was Rachel, who had attended the day before and then went to gym as well right after. She looked fantastic again, wearing what might have been the same tiny sports bra, this time without a shirt to cover up, and a pair of yoga shorts instead of the yoga pants. It found it hard to focus on the yoga with her in front and slightly to the right of me, and the class went quick.

Shooting my shot poolside in Cabo [MF]

This is a continuation of the [poolside connections story]( posted earlier. Hated to split it up, but character limits are what they are.

After breakfast, a group of us headed out to do a little shopping ourselves. After a couple hours of that, I had my fill, and returned to the resort, decided to hit the pool again. When I got there, I saw Robin sitting in the shade wearing a black cover up over a black bikini. I walked over and asked if her husband was on his way down to join her.

‘Oh don’t even get me fucking started!’ she replied in disgust. ‘After a day of catching nothing by a sunburn and a hangover, he got a text this morning offering a second chance for half the charge. We had plans to lay by the pool today, but as you can see, I’m solo.’ I commented that at least the weather was a little cooler than the day before (granted, it was 86 or so, as opposed to low 90s, but every couple degrees helps).

‘I see you decided to go with one of your *other* suits.’

Making connections poolside in Cabo [FM]

This got really long, so I had to split it in two. Part two will have more “going wild”, but it was hard to get to that point without the background.

As I mentioned in the [last episode of my Cabo story](, after leaving McKenna at the harbor, I headed back to my hotel. It was a nice morning, so I decided to walk back and take in all that downtown Cabo had to offer. When I got back, the others in my room were still asleep, so I went to the gym to get a workout in. There were a couple others working out as well, including a good-looking brunette probably 10 years younger than me. We made some small talk, but I was not getting the vibes that would lead me to try pursuing something, so headed back to my room and showered.

After work happy hour leads to my first [MFM] threesome with a traveling nurse

Let’s rewind the clock to the beginning of March, 2021. While my actual work was slowed way down, I had a day in the OR during the first week of March, and then had another in the second week of March. That in an of itself was unusual for me, but it worked with other plans I had. When I had gone in the prior week, one of the scrub nurses with whom I worked was a travel nurse (we had a number of staffing issues in our city, and travel nurses could make good money by going that route).

We only worked with one patient together, but my takeaway from that couple hours was that she was talented and experienced for her age, but perhaps more important to GWS, she had amazingly beautiful eyes. We were both masked the entirety of our time together, so other than a general sense of her figure, I had nothing to go off of. She was about 5’4”, and had a slim figure, at least from what I could tell. Her eyes though, my god, the closest I could say is Ana De Armas (to the point that when I watched No Time to Die, other than Ana having darker hair, they were *very* similar).

Hooking up in the on-call room [MF]

I will preface this by saying this is totally cliché, and also not at all representative of my general experiences working in a hospital setting. As I had mentioned in a previous story or AMA, I have largely stepped back from practice, but the group with whom I work has been great about keeping me on, as opposed to buying me out, so I still have insurance for me and the kids. I still do occasional consults and patient work, help with administrative matters, and then cover on-call shifts a couple times a month. Since I have a much more flexible schedule than most, I cover a lot of the “bad” on-call shifts that others don’t like to take, which helps me stay in good with the senior docs in my group.

Setting the scene, it was the end of March 2021, I had just spent the day with Cathy, a 51yo married, stay-at-home-mom of two teenagers. It was our second hookup, about three weeks after the first, and when she left my place around four, she was happy and sore. I was on-call that evening, and around 5:30 got the message that I needed to go in.