Making it up to a guy

There is this guy in my class at uni, something always felt wrong about him. He’d say the stupidest things on earth during classes and his laugh made me want to slap him until he’d shut up. One day at a party he asked me out and I told him that I’d rather swim naked in the Gange than go out with him. We had a work project together and he was so dumb when we were working, that I had to do it all. He lost notes for an entire section of our paper and I told him to get lost with his stupid face. I had to work all-nighter to make up for his mistakes. My friends would make snarky comments about him and I find it amusing. It wasn’t exactly bullying but it was clear that we really despise him.

This was a few months ago and last night I was at a party for university students. Because Reddit told me to, I sent a text to that guy and asked him if he’d be here. I think he was surprised that I’d ever text him but he told me that yes, he’d be here.

Crossing paths with my boss

A few weeks ago, my friends and I wanted to go out one last time before the start of our exams weeks. There was this party at the house of a guy I know and we went there.

We do a few rounds of shots and generally have a nice time, enjoying one last black-out drunk party before studying for weeks. At some point in the kitchen, I cross paths with my boss from the pub where I work. He’s in his late thirties with a buzz cut and hazel eyes, he’s tall with a very large and muscular stature. He’s got a nice face with a lot of tattoos covering him up to his neck.

“Funny meeting you here Sir” I greet him.

It’s been a joke between us, me calling him Sir, making him feel way older than he is. He smirks and gets me a drink.

“I know Frank, you?”

“I know Frank too.”

Humiliate the waitress at the pub

I went to go to work plugged, I feel your hands going up on my ass as I’m taking your orders. You play with the plug, pushing it deeper in my ass as I wiggle, trying to avoid your hands. Your friends are smiling as they see your hands on me, the one next to me gets his hand on my tigh, his fingers caressing my skin. I blush and thank you for your orders. I turn my back and walk to the bar to get your drinks ready. My pussy is throbbing, my clit swollen and I walk uncomfortably, as if my pussy triple size in just a few seconds. I feel like everyone is watching me as I turn around the bar and prepare the drinks. I can hear your laugh through the buzzing of the room. I know you’re mocking me, the way I walked, how I tried to get away from you. I take your drinks on a tray and place my hand under it, securing it by grabbing its side with my other hand. I begin to walk back to your table, the tray heavy in my arms. A few drops of the beers escaped the glasses, my arm trembling. I see your phone on your table and try to breathe to regain my focus. I feel slight vibration in my core and try to ignore it. I continue walking, navigating around the tables. I can feel hands on me but I ignore them. I feel another buzzing and take a sharp breath. I stop for a second, close my eyes briefly and continue walking. I focus on my steps, I try to avoid the bags and backpacks scattered on the floor. As my foot is up, trying to avoid a coat lost on the floor, I feel another vibration in my pussy, much stronger than the others. I cry out and lose my balance. The tray goes sideway and I feel the beer getting all over my clothes. The glass shattered on the hard wood floor. The pub fell silent and I hold my head down, the eyes of every customers burning a hole in my neck. My cheeks are so red, it’s like their on fire. I get on my knees, murmuring excuses nonstop. I’m on my knees, covered in beer in the middle of the pub and I try to gather my mess. I didn’t know I could feel so humiliated. Chatters start again around me and I hear your friends bursting in laughter. I look up to your table and I make eyes contact with you: your phone is on the table and your friends are taping its screen, activating the sextoy you put in my pussy before I left for work. I’m squimering, my pussy getting even more wet as I feel the buzzing intensifying. I torn between horniness and humiliation, desperately trying to hold back a moan but ultimately failing. I’m drenched, on the floor of a pub, with my ass plugged and a sextoy vibrating in my pussy. I can’t do anything to stop you as you continue torturing me.

My first pride [FF]

The first time I went to the Gay pride, I was 18yo, crashing at friends’ place until I would be allowed to move in my dorm room at uni and work in a restaurant to get some money. I bought a train ticket and went to the city for the gay pride, wearing denim shorts and a tank top with no bra. On the train, I had my hoodie on but as soon as I left the station, I pulled it in my backpack. I walk into the huge crowd with nothing but my backpack and my flag. Being there was invigorating and I screamed at the top of my lungs, I let someone put glitter on my face, I kissed strangers as we were walking past the crowd. I kissed a girl and put my middle finger up as a photographer took a picture of us, wondering if my parents will see it in the newspaper. I followed people into pubs and let them pay me drinks. I had not been happy like that in a long time. I had nowhere to go, I knew that if I wanted to sleep somewhere, I needed to find someone to take me in.

A night at the opera

When I was in school, I used to love going to the opera or watching symphonic concerts. I took many instrument lessons, violin, piano, guitar and loved going to concerts. Obviously, when I was thrown out by my parents, I had to give up on all of those things.

But there was this woman I met, she was beautiful and very nice to me. One night, as I was in the library, she sent me a text and told me to meet her at her place. As soon as I got in, she kissed me and grabbed my neck in her hands. She told me to change and pointed toward a bag on a table. In it, there was a black dress for me. I undress in front of her, right in the middle of her living room as she watched me, sitting on her sofa. Her eyes were full of lust. I put the dress on, turning my back to her to ask her to zip it up.

“Thank you, this is a nice dress.”

“This changes from all those jeans and hoodies”.

She kissed me, her hands on my ribs and my stomach.

The drunk intern p.3

I knock on your door on Friday night, as you instructed me to. My heart is pounding in my chest as I have no idea what to expect. A part of me hopes that you’ll laugh at me and delete the video and send me on my way. But another part knows it’s too good to be true, that you’ll make me pay for that video. And I have no idea what the price is going to be.
You open the door and I see you have gotten out of your work suit, you’re now wearing black cotton pants and a plain shirt. I’m still wearing my pantsuit and my white shirt with a blazer. You step back and I go in, the door closing sounding like thunder behind me. I can’t walk away now.


The drunk intern p.2 [Blackmail]

When I come to work the next day, my make-up is fresh and my eyes are clear. As if nothing ever happened. I’m good at hiding my hangover. You watch me acting all prude and uptight as if I haven’t fucked you right on the floor of the open space a few hours ago only. I ignore you, acting as if you don’t exist and I keep my eyes on my computer screen, a steaming cup of coffee with me.

I go to the restroom and you follow me. You pull me into a cleaning closet, your hand squeezing my arm and I wince in pain.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I ask you, my eyes throwing daggers at you.

I try to wiggle free from you but you only squeeze harder.

“Stop your holier-than-you act,” you say, your voice deep and slightly threatening.

“If you don’t let me go, I’ll report you to HR”

You laugh and I swear I want to hit you right in the face. My eyes are dark and I’m gritting my teeth, holding back a swear word. I’m about to hit you when you pull out your phone and hold it to my face, a video playing on the screen.

The drunk intern p.1

I’m a new intern at your firm. You know girls like me, thriving to succeed, craving it even, little brats who are fierce to get what they want. You’re staying late in the office, working on one last project before calling it a night. You’re alone there, typing away on your keyboard in the quiet office. Suddenly, you hear the door opening and closing and hesitating footsteps.

“Hello?” you say. “Is someone there?”

You get out of your office and look around. You hear muffled sounds and a quiet “shit” being whispered. You turn around and see me on my knees, trying to hide from you behind one of the columns.
You walk toward me and hear my drunk giggles. I’m laying on the floor, my dress barely covering my panties. My bag is next to me and I try to get up but my body refuses to respond.

“Well, what do we have here?”

You sit right next to me as I look at you.

“I f- forgot my pho-o-o-ne.” I sputter, my breath smells of tequila.

Poker game night

You invited your friends and coworkers to a poker game tonight. All of you are sitting at the large table. You got me anchored on the floor, right in the middle of the table.

I’m naked, a blindfold on my eyes, a ring gag keeping my mouth open, drool on my chin. You put an anal hook in my ass because you think it needs more training. You linked it to a rope that goes through my collar and is anchored to the floor. Every time I move forward, the hook goes deeper in my ass and my collar chokes me. No pleasure without pain. Your favorite. Mine too.

“Long time no see, pet”

My [F/21] hook up [M57] in a motel

I was reminded of this one earlier today and I guess I wanted to write it down for you all. I hope you like it.

I was spending the evening in the uni library, studying for a final. It was late, the library was very silent when I got a notification on my phone from a dating app. There was no face pics of the guy who messaged me, his profile said he was 57 years old. The only pic was a mirror selfie, centred on his torso and his beer belly. He sent me a pm, writing how beautiful my eyes were with a kissy face emoji at the end. Cringey.

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