This just in?…… Part IV – No Catchy Title [FF]

[Part I is here](

[Part II is here](

[Part III here](

Welcome to Part IV

Well, I really have to emphasize that I did *not* expect the reactions I received on the earlier parts of my ‘story’. I’m ecstatic about it; and I suppose the only reservation I have in hindsight is that I have disclosed certain pieces of me and info personally to some of you (privately). I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just something I hadn’t set out as the goal of this endeavor; maybe kind of like The Roots band, I mean are they hip-hop artists or rock? Who the fuck knows. At the end of the day, I Got You. Anyway, if this isn’t you’re first entre down the rabbit hole here with me, then you already know, and it goes without saying, just how tangential I get when I spit my sixteen bars (who am I kidding- I couldn’t rhyme as well as a 4 y.o. …trust me). I do this for a reason. This story is *real*, as in *all* of it actually happened, *and* I don’t really think everything here is suited for everyone. As a chick who understands falling easily under the influence of some interesting ‘things’ (even mildly), I feel responsible to you folks; even accountable perhaps. If you are sub seventeen, this might not be something you need to read; or maybe it is. All I’m saying is that we are influenced a lot by society and what surrounds us. You will find I veer off a bit, and it’s probably (sub-consciously) intended (for the most part).

This just in… Part III – Why Do Bees Make Honey? [FF]

[Part I is here](

[Part II is here](

Part III is .. uh.. look down.

Bee-cause! That was right off the dome btw.

The pizza was really good, I’d recommend that place anytime. But better than the pizza was that Jenny and I seemed to be vibing well. The sun is just setting, we’re devouring pizza, and playing this ‘I flash you, you flash me’ game. My smile is ear to ear. Oh yeah, oops – there was a bottle of wine involved as well. Maybe two. She sneezes the most horrendous sounding sneeze I’ve ever heard, and I’m dying of laughter, like tears and all. She’s laughing too, but I have actual tears running down my face. She stops laughing rather abruptly, her expression turning serious. I’m puzzled tbh. “How about I really make you cry?”, she half implies\half asks me. I’m sure she’s fucking with me, and I raise an eyebrow and attempt to finish off the remainder of the cab in my glass. Jenny grabs the glass by the stem, which is midway to my mouth. “I’m not fucking with you Jess-I-Ca”, more adamantly now. I regain dominance over my glass, throw the bitch a dirty look, and put the glass down.

This just in… Part II – The Pizza Party [FF]

Just tuning in? [Part I]( is there (in the blue) (yes yes the link) (no you have to click it)

I honestly spent some time quickly contemplating my next move. The evil little conscious on my shoulder is whispering, “Go. Quick. You’re not that high and you aren’t even buzzed. Go into the other room, get changed, and let’s do this! Don’t be a p-“. Then whack. Fairy Godmother is beating her ‘evil conscious’ nemesis ass over the head with some sparkl-ey wand. “How” whack “fucking” whack “many” whack “times” whack whack “have I told you that ….. SHE IS A GOOD GIRL!! AAAAHHH” whack whack whack. I hear some gunfire exchange, and poof they are both gone. Fuck it. I’ll entertain this…but my clothes are staying on- “No they aren’t” bang bang. Not certain who dropped who, but I digress….. And the smoke cleared.

This just in… [FF]

**Note:** So yes, this *is* a throw-away account. I’m fairly certain I’d be recognized on my main and I’m not ready for that just yet.

Anyway, I’m 28, half Caucasian and half Hispanic. I am about 5’6, ~128 lbs., 36D’s (if its a good day), and I have straight, shoulder-length black hair. I’ve recently become somewhat *obsessed* with two things (no idea why tbh): I fell in love with sexy underthings and glasses (OK – I’m lying – I just actually need glasses now). I’m straight with some sexual experience, and the recent heat in the NE has had some interesting effect on my libido.I guess that’s a good enough segue into this story. Oh wait – one more important deet – I’ve had some weird sexual hang-ups *and* I have always struggled to find panties and bras that fit me well, and make me feel sexy (open to suggestions on that btw). OK, let’s go…
It’s a typical Saturday. I throw on some leggings and a t-shirt and hit my crossfit class. I come home, veg on /r for a few minutes, strip, shave my legs, shower, and make an unusual decision. I decide to omit panties, rock my fave black sundress and a really nice bra. Keep you’re pants on though – going commando is, from my understanding, not a big deal for most females (I just never do it). I holla at my bestie and we make plans for brunch and agree to meet in a couple hours at a nearby mall. I showed up early, waited, and waited, and waited. I cannot get in touch with her and I was pissed. She finally texts me about some blowup she had w/ her boyfriend, we exchange sentiments, and I’m on my own. It’s about 6 PM, and this mall closes around 8/8:30 on a Saturday. I decide to go shopping, and find myself in the intimateslingerie department of one of those very ‘upper echelon’ department stores which I won’t name (but word on the street is they are going OOB soon).