I was thirsty and dehydrated but she never let me drink from the glass [F/M]

I stumbled across this woman online. She was totally my type in every way; her figure was sexy, looks were attractive and just my type, ethnicity I always had a soft spot for and an accent that makes my legs weak, not to mention a sky high sex drive. And to top it all off she was looking for someone like me too.

We messaged, even though I knew full well that in the same way that I found her hundreds of others would too as its common knowledge women get flooded with interest. I took my shot anyway, not knowing how to stand out and concerned about spamming her. To my surprise she responded. My heart skipped a beat.

We briefly exchanged messages and sent some verifying photos for each others safety, soon after setting a date to meet up in a public place. We had a chat and made our way back to her place.

With all of this happening, I had not eaten or drank anything all day. To top it off I had been walking all day in the summer sun. I was parched.

Categorized as Erotica

I Met a Redditor Part 1: First Date [M/F] [Con]

We meet here on Reddit. You’re looking for a meaningful connection and cuddle and message me. Finding out I’m looking for the same. We talk back and forth, verifying each others identities, hitting it off, as I promise you only a nice cuddle and kisses and that I would respect your boundaries. Comforted by my intentions we set up a date.

Date time. We meet at a station entrance. Our eyes glisten as they meet each others, followed by a warm smile and a hug. The hug is short lived as it’s just a greeting, but deep down we both feel something brewing inside, knowing we’re meeting to be in each others arms. Naturally, we don’t tell each other and none is the wiser, so we proceed.

We have a drink whilst sitting opposite each other. As the trust in each other grows so do our hopes of what is yet to come. Our feet drift towards each others making contact. We realise it’s happened and add just a little bit more play. All the while above the table, we’re talking, smiling and I begin softly caressing your hands as you hold mine back. We want to get closer so we finish our drinks and go for a nice stroll in the sun.