I (F26) slept with my colleague’s son (M18) after months of sexual tension [FM]

It finally happened. Something that I had been working on for months happened two weeks ago. I posted months back about sexual tension. It calmed down a bit after it but we spoke more outside of the workplace, so I didn’t have to speak to him around his mother / my colleague.

The three of us went to a shopping centre. I got to hang out with just him on his own whilst his mother went to do some private shopping (Xmas gifts for him). I made a couple of VERY subtle moves and he knew fine well what I was doing, and he didn’t give any indication that he was uncomfortable wasn’t okay, rather the opposite.

I invited him over for the day as my parents were out at the local Christmas markets. I picked him up and dropped him off. My colleague knows we’re hanging out but as far as she knows, it’s all just civil and friendly.

I [F] took a home cleaning job from Craigslist during my slut phase. [MF]

So I was 22 at the time and Craiglist was still somewhat a thing. It never really took off in the UK but there was still some interesting things on there. Whilst I was in my “let’s do almost anything that has a pulse” phase (bad breakup, I’m sorry), I saw a job in a village surrounding the university I went to.

The advert was effectively good pay for a lady willing to clean their house whilst wearing skimpy clothing. I had free time and, at that time, little sense of danger or anything like that.

I went to this guys home, didn’t really give many details about him until I got there but he looked like, 50 ish? And he wasn’t an attractive man by any means. He had money though, and not much to spend it on.

I remember going in with a bodycon dress on, legs shaved (and other areas for that matter), matching bralette and knickers, hair up in a pony tail. I dressed to impress, and ready to get laid.