Taming the office Bully Pt.3 [31M/35F/33F]

Sunday flew by: I went for a jog early in the morning to assess my new work “situationship” with M. The previous night, after she left, I received a message from her.

M: “Let’s keep things professional at work; I don’t want anyone to know about us.”

I was expecting this reaction, but I knew I wanted her to be more than just a good FWB. This small, unassuming woman had just reshaped my life. I wanted, not I craved her…

R: “That’s fine, but I hope you know that won’t keep me away from you at work.”

She didn’t respond until that evening as I cleaned up the previous day’s proceedings splattered all over my sheets and pillows.

M: “I have been giving it a lot of thought, and I don’t think you and me being together is such a good idea. You just got promoted and I have worked hard to reach where I am at.

I didn’t respond immediately, needing time to gather my thoughts. I knew I wanted her in my life, and I had a feeling she would try to pull away. I started making dinner trying to figure out how I could convince her that she should give us a shot.
My phone rang then. It was M again.

Taming the Office Bully [31M/35F] [Part 2]

Thanks to everyone who read Part 1 and provided me feedback! I appreciated it as it motivated me to continue the story. In honor of Mother’s Day, here is Part 2; I hope you guys enjoy it. You can find part 1 in my profile in case you are interested.

[Part 2]

When M began to stir the next morning, I was already wide awake. I had spent the last 15 minutes admiring her features as sunlight poured into the room through the blinds. From this distance, I could really take in her long lashes, soft thin lips, and symmetrical heart shaped face. Her hair was thick and dark and smelled of lilac; her neck was long and inviting. Even the long scar she had on the side of her arm seemed deliberate – I wondered what the story regarding that scar was. Still so much I didn’t know about her.

M: “You’re already up R? What time is it?”

R: “Good morning! It’s still early… It’s not even 8 yet.”

She paused and then hesitantly asked

M: “Do you have plans?”

R: “Yes, I do have an entire itinerary planned out; how about you?”

Taming the Office Bully [31M/35F] [Part 1]

Very new to this, so please take it easy on me!

About three years ago I joined my current company; one year into my tenure, I was promoted to management. This meant I would have a lot more face to face time with the director of my department, who was notoriously impatient and short tempered. She had a reputation of pissing people off and giving zero fucks about anything outside of work. I was so excited to work with her.

Let me explain myself:

When I started working here, my coworkers warned me about the orientation class she ran and to simply avoid asking questions. Needless to say, I was very intrigued and expected Miss Trunchbull to show up. Of course, instead, in walks this gorgeous, petite Korean girl – albeit disheveled and in a bad mood, but a beautifully sculpted fair face, long dark hair she wore loose, and such striking honey colored eyes. She has a small frame, no more than 105lbs and prob 5’2″ (she was over a foot smaller than me and less than half my weight) – I was stunned.

Taming the Office Bully [31M/35F] [Part 1]

Very new to this, so please take it easy on me!

About three years ago I joined my current company; one year into my tenure, I was promoted to management. This meant I would have a lot more face to face time with the director of my department, who was notoriously impatient and short tempered. She had a reputation of pissing people off and giving zero fucks about anything outside of work. I was so excited to work with her.

Let me explain myself:

When I started working here, my coworkers warned me about the orientation class she ran and to simply avoid asking questions. Needless to say, I was very intrigued and expected Miss Trunchbull to show up. Of course, instead, in walks this gorgeous, petite Korean girl – albeit disheveled and in a bad mood, but a beautifully sculpted fair face, long dark hair she wore loose, and such striking honey colored eyes. She has a small frame, no more than 105lbs and prob 5’2″ (she was over a foot smaller than me and less than half my weight) – I was stunned.