[MF]A Magic Carpet Ride

I was very fortunate to do a college internship with Disney World as a character cast member. If you have ever worked there, it is policy that dating among employees is strictly forbidden…that said, a program full of horny college kids isn’t going to follow that rule very well. I had several experiences with cast mates while there; all were also characters.

I’m sure you can imagine that the costumes for many characters are horribly hot, heavy and uncomfortable in the Florida heat. Fortunately, my costume wasn’t terrible because I was a princess. I was Belle. I had two costumes that I wore primarily, one more of a peasant dress and the other a large ball gown.

The first time I played with a fellow character was in the float storage area. Aladdin and I had been flirting it up since we had our orientation class. He was a student from another school but in the same program. And he looked very much like his character, as I did mine. The night before we had been at a bar with other cast members, flirting and touching. He was very into me and ended up kissing me as we left.

[FFM] The RA Desk

I’ve been sitting on this story for a while as it’s the closest I had ever come to a threesome before my husband. This story is about my bisexual lover, Jill, and a male RA in my dorm my junior year.

The few months I had a relationship with Jill created some of the hottest sex I’ve had with another woman. We fucked like crazy and explored many aspects of sex together including toys and anal. She was very dominant and loved to push my limits that at the time were quite low. The RA in this story was a guy named Ryan, who I had known platonically since our freshman year. He also played basketball like Jill so when she would come over and he was working the desk, they often chatted and became friends over the semester.

One evening Jill and I had been out dancing and came back quite late. It was well after 2am when we arrived back to the common room and we were happy to see Ryan working the desk. Now Jill and I are/were bi…so flirting up guys was still very much a good time despite sleeping together regularly. And Ryan was a favorite target. So in we strolled, just a little more than tipsy and laughing our asses off at nothing in particular. Ryan’s face lit up knowing we would be entertaining in the least.

[FF] My First Anal

Jill and I continued our friends with benefits during the first term of my junior year. She was very adventurous and assertive in bed.
We had used the dildo and vibrator on several occasions, taking turns fucking each other. She really loved giving it to me with that the dildo, going so far as to hold it against her pussy and fuck me from behind with it like a man. That was incredibly fucking hot…feeling her hold onto my hip with one hand and slamming me with her “cock”. Another time, I added the vibrator to my clit while she fucked me and I’m damn certain my screaming woke the dormitory.

We had some amazing times together exploring our own sexualities and pushing our limits in trying new things. My former RA, LeeAnne, and I had done similar but it was less adventurous even though we were together longer. She was the one who first slipped her finger into my ass. I remember the sensation and the shock as to what she was doing to me. And I also remember it was the start of my anal adoration. While LeeAnne may have introduced anal play to me, it was Jill who first fucked me in that tightest hole. Jill relished rough play, she was very much an alpha lover. Which was fine with me as I am generally submissive by nature.

[FF]A Kinda Sorta Strap-On

After a month of so of regular fucking with Jill, she had become quite the insatiable little bi-fuck buddy. We had a great time together, often going dancing or to listen to bands. Sometimes hitting up different parties on our campuses. Then there were nights where we just wanted to stay in. I was busy getting ready for my fall show that year and she was in training for her basketball season. So those nights when we weren’t feeling a night out, we usually stayed in my dorm room, which I had to myself.

We knew going in that this wouldn’t last beyond the semester as I was taking a semester abroad to study voice. So maybe we both felt motivated to explore each other more quickly than we would’ve otherwise. Either way, Jill and I spent quite a number of evenings fucking the hell out of each other. She spent many nights sleeping over with me, allowing us to take our time to enjoy ourselves.

[FF] Jill’s First Time

Please read The Jock 2.0 before this as it’s a continuation of my training of Jill.

As we laid on the bed together after Jill’s orgasm, I continued to stroke her soft skin with my nails. We lay there silently after she said she wanted to try to please me but didn’t know how. Honestly, I wasn’t sure exactly how to tell her. LeeAnne, my freshman RA and fuck buddy, had shown me everything about making love to a woman but there wasn’t really any instruction…we just let it happen naturally. This was new territory.

Jill asked me about my experience with other women and I shared about my relationship with LeeAnne. She was very interested in hearing about our experiences and how that really impacted my sexuality and understanding of myself. While it was a casual conversation, it was incredibly sexually charged. I noticed, as we talked, Jill’s hand began to stroke my thigh casually. Just meandering along my skin, causing me to have goosebumps. I’ve always been a cold person so I grabbed my throw blanket and pulled it over us.

[FF] The Jock 2.0…A Definite Upgrade

So the night before this story, I had the sad experience of blowing a truly unique cock with a disappointing outcum (lol sorry I just couldn’t resist). After the lacking show from my football player fling, I wasn’t going to settle for subpar action this night. My roommates and I went out line dancing. We always had a blast going dancing, usually finding some older cowboys to flirt with and buy us drinks. Also, they were the absolute best dancers. I had a regular who I absolutely adored and loved to dance with.

I was twirling the dance floor in his arms when I saw a very pretty, statuesque woman walk onto the floor with another guy. She was easily 6′ tall, beautifully built, and dirty blonde hair. I watched as she danced with the guy she was with. She had a beautiful laugh, tossing her sexy hair back when she did. I knew I wanted to talk to her. My chance came shortly after when an upbeat line dance came on. I quickly scooted into place next to her.

[FM] The Jock

In the fall of my junior year before I moved to Germany for a semester, I had a one night fling with a football player. He was nice enough, pretty full of himself and was honestly rather generic. So, why did I give him my time and attention? Well I was pretty drunk and quite horny.

We had been a party on campus when we met. He was your typical college jock. Big ego and not much to back it up lol. He was sorta funny, moderately attractive. I do remember him having incredibly large hands, weird thing to remember, right? We flirted off and on that night playing beer pong. Me getting more tipsy by the cup. We flirted some and that helped his attractiveness.

As the party slowed, he asked me to take a walk and I agreed. We walked a bit and ended up on a bench in a more secluded part of campus. We chatted some and then he asked me if I would consider sucking his cock. I mused it over for a minute and then just said yeah sure why not? I think he was shocked to be honest and I really don’t know why I agreed to it other than being drunk.

[FF] A French Wine Bottle

My junior year of college, I had the opportunity to live abroad in Germany to study voice. It was an incredible opportunity educationally but also was 6 months of amazing sexual adventures.

Being a student in a different country, you are naturally bound to attract a lot of attention. I was housed in a small dormitory and had a very small private room. There were a few American students that I hung out with initially but I quickly found other friends from Germany and several other countries. One of these was a girl from France.

Her name was Joelle. She, too, was studying voice for the semester and was the quintessential French girl. Impeccable style. She had short, dark hair, olive skin, dark eyes. She was tiny, like myself, but no tits or ass. She smoked and drank wine like a feign.

About two months into term, Joelle invited me to visit her family back in France. We took a train for a long weekend. She took me all over Paris and the outskirts. Not just the touristy spots but the hidden gems on locals know.

[FF] My only double dildo experience

At hubby’s request, I’m going to share the sex LeeAnne and I had after coming back to the dorms after our visit to the Parthenon. Please read that first so you get the full story! 😘

When we left the Parthenon and arrived back to the dorms, we went straight to LeeAnne’s suite. We were pretty wet from dancing and playing in the rain. Jumping into the shower together to warm up and rinse off, we began to fool around. Kissing, stroking, slippery warm wet bodies rubbing against each other. I’m sure we could’ve continued in the shower but LeeAnne whispered in my ear that she had something new to show me in the toy box! Instantly intrigued, I rinsed us both off and out we hopped to dry.

LeeAnne pulled the box from the closet and brought it to the bed. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t own any toys, and had only played with hers and quite frankly was pretty naive about them overall. Currently, she owned 2 dildos, a vibrator and a tiny anal attachment for the vibrator. When she lifted the lid, I’m sure my shock was evident. She had purchased a double ended dildo. Holy shit! I didn’t even know they existed. It was flesh colored, about 18″ long maybe, decently thick and had a large head on either end. LeeAnne’s giant fucking grin told me everything I needed to know about her plans for the rest of our night.

[FF] The Parthenon

If you haven’t read my other adventures, I went to undergrad in Nashville during the late 90’s and was a music major. While living in Nashville, I had many sexual experiences, including my bi-sexual awakening with my RA, LeeAnne. She was a close friend, confidant and my regular fuck buddy during my freshman year.

Spring of 1999 was an exceptionally busy time for LeeAnne and I. She was finishing up her junior year, I was preparing for a spring show and juries and both of us were working part time. But one Saturday night the stars aligned and we were able to get out for a night of fun!

We went bar hopping downtown, hitting up our favorite spots listening to the local bands and drinking. We ended up catching a ride with a friend up to the Parthenon well after midnight because it was a fun gathering place after hours. Granted you had to hope the cops didn’t run you off but still it was always a good time while it lasted. This particular evening a miserable drizzling rain saturated Nashville. If we hadn’t been buzzed, I’m sure we would’ve gone home but dancing in the rain seemed like a great idea at the time. And it was honestly lol. Bonus to the rain was that we had the place to ourselves.