[FF] Truth or Dare

During my freshman year, I made multiple trips to visit my best friend, Tiffany, at OSU. Most trips were in the fall to watch the OSU football games and party all weekend but this trip was different. It was in the dead of winter and it was a bitter cold, snowy weekend.

Our plan had been to attend a frat party across campus but the weather was causing many issues for getting there and back safely. I was disappointed as my hookup from my previous trip lived at the frat house and I was eager to see him again. Ultimately, we ended up staying in her coed dorm with friends playing drinking games.

Tiff’s friends were great and I loved hanging out with them. She had 3 suite mates, Lisa, Becky and Shannon. Becky and Shannon had boyfriends, who lived in the same dorm. Lisa’s boyfriend had enlisted in the Army and was overseas.

They all knew that I was bisexual and the guys were completely fascinated with me. Anytime I was with them, it was a constant barrage of questions about girl on girl sex, how many women I’ve fucked, LeeAnne (my RA hookup/girlfriend), do I still have sex with guys? They were ridiculously annoying about it but equally fun to be around and tease.

Mardi Gras [FM][FF]

uring my freshman year of college in Nashville, I had the chance to road trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras with my RA and two of her friends, Justin and Samantha. They had been the prior year and were excited to take me for my first time!

LeeAnne was my floor RA and my lesbian fuck buddy. In truth, she was the woman responsible for my sexual awakening and enjoyment of other women. LeeAnne let me explore my sexuality on my own terms while also teaching me how to fuck another woman. She was an incredible lover. Sensual, erotic, adventurous…and kinky as hell. LeeAnne was stunning; truly one of those women who stop people in their tracks. And she had the personality to match. She was tall, about 5’10”, athletic, long dark hair and beautifully tanned skin. Making love to her was incredible. Our bodies were so different and it was amazing to feel her slender form and smaller breasts against mine. As for me, I’m short. Right about 5’1″. Small frame with giant tits and a curvy plump ass to go with it. I have long auburn hair, green eyes and freckled pale skin. We truly were opposites in looks…but in terms of sexual chemistry, we couldn’t be more similar.

[MF] A Closeup Blowjob

One Friday evening while studying in Germany, Joelle and I went out bar hopping. Joelle was studying voice as well and we had become good friends over the prior months. In addition to friendship, we had enjoyed several bi experiences together though Joelle was more into men. Her favorite weekend past time was finding a new guy to fuck. I lost count of her number that semester but on any given weekend, she would nail at least 1 and sometimes 2 guys and very rarely were they repeats.

After visiting several bars with Joelle trolling for a boy toy for the evening, we ended up at one that had a beautiful courtyard with a large fire in the back of the building. It was a favorite spot of ours. Joelle had targeted a group of guys inside the bar and was ready to find her nightly fuck. One guy stood out to her and she kept making eye contact with him from our section of the bar. I loved watching her pick her prey and latch her claws in. Her favorite tactic was to insult them and then sooth their egos. It was always entertaining. It didn’t take long for the guys to start buying our drinks and surround us at the bar.

[FF][MF][MF] Three Partners. One Day. Happy Birthday to Me!

In November 2000, it was my birthday. I was a junior in college, working at Hooters and about to move to Germany for a semester abroad. I had girlfriend/FWB, Jill, who I fucked on a regular basis and had amazingly kinky sex with. I, also, had several male FWB’s to play with occasionally. My birthday that year was one hell of a sexy day!

Jill had spent the night before my birthday because she was traveling for a basketball game that day. We had been out dancing the night before and came home to fuck each other’s brains out before we passed out.

The next morning, my birthday, I slowly woke up to an incredible feeling between my legs. Jill’s long, slow licking of my pussy was an amazingly exquisite feeling to wake up to.

“Mmm, this is a hell of a way to wake up,” I said softly, forcing my eyes open to see Jill laying between my bare legs.

“I wanted to make sure to wish you a proper happy birthday before I have to leave!” Jill murmured into my pussy before resuming her eating.

[FF]The Hooters Happy Birthday Wish(es)…I fucked my fellow Hooters girl on the bar in front of our co-workers!

If you’ve read some of my other stories, you know that I have no shame in sexual antics in front of others. I have, on multiple occasions with different people, played with spectators and sometimes in public places. The story you are about to read occurred during my time as a Hooters waitress and is one of two times that I played on the premises.

Chelsea and I had been fucking off and on for several months. It was not a consistent thing like I had with my former girlfriends LeeAnne and Jill. Chelsea was bi, like myself, but she actively fucked men on a regular basis. When we did spend sexual time together though, it was incredibly charged. She enjoyed the flirting and foreplay as much as I did so our encounters were often long and sensual. We had, on several occasions, fooled around in public places though we never went all the way so to speak.

[FF][F] A Hooters Waitress Threesome…I fucked two of my fellow Hooters Girls!

I was a Hooters waitress for four years during the late 90’s while I was in college. During my time waitressing, I became a playmate to several employees and a few regular customers. If you haven’t read my other Hooters story with Chelsea, please do so you can hear about the first time we were together. The story below is my personal favorite from my time as a Hooters girl. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did experiencing it then and as I have writing about it nearly 25 years later.

Chelsea and I had played several times before this adventure. I was the first woman she had been with on her own, as her prior female/female experiences came in a threesome with her ex-boyfriend. Chelsea was a passionate lover. Our playing was very give and take, both enjoying pleasing and being pleased. After our first time together, we were very careful not to let it become known at work, as she was also a Hooters girl. That all changed one evening though when we went drinking with a fellow waitress. Alcohol lowered our inhibitions and our secret was out.

[FF][F] A Hooters Trio

I was a Hooters waitress for four years during the late 90’s while I was in college. During my time waitressing, I became a playmate to several employees and a few regular customers. If you haven’t read my other Hooters story with Chelsea, please do so you can hear about the first time we were together. The story below is my personal favorite from my time as a Hooters girl. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did experiencing it then and as I have writing about it nearly 25 years later.

Chelsea and I had played several times before this adventure. I was the first woman she had been with on her own, as her prior female/female experiences came in a threesome with her ex-boyfriend. Chelsea was a passionate lover. Our playing was very give and take, both enjoying pleasing and being pleased. After our first time together, we were very careful not to let it become known at work, as she was also a Hooters girl. That all changed one evening though when we went drinking with a fellow waitress. Alcohol lowered our inhibitions and our secret was out.

[FF] Two Hooters Girls in a Bronco

Chelsea and I were both Hooters girls in the late 90’s. I was in college and she was a local trying to break into the music industry. Chelsea was average height, long straight brown hair with big brown eyes. Cute, vivacious with a thick southern accent. She was always a hit with the customers.

One afternoon, Chelsea came into work with red rimmed eyes and upset. Her longtime high school sweetheart had broken up with her that weekend and she was devastated. She truly believed they would marry. Her heart was broken. Our manager came in to say she could take the night off but Chelsea declined saying she needed the money and distraction. While we were wrapping up to leave for the night, I asked Chelsea if she wanted to go somewhere after work to talk it out and she agreed but said somewhere quiet, not a bar. We decided to drive down to the river front in her Bronco and talk. As we left the building, our awesome manager handed me To-Go cups and a bag of food.

[MF] A Hooters Hookup 2.0

While waitressing at Hooters during my undergrad, I had some really fun sexy time experiences with both men and women. Most hookups were fellow waitresses and a few were customers. One, though, was a bouncer who would come in to work on biker nights. The crowd was huge those nights.

Mike was a burly dude. I’d known him for a few years and knew he was definitely a total teddy bear despite his outward appearance. He was about 6′ and at least 250lbs. His shoulders were massive, along with his chest. He had long dark hair that he kept in a ponytail. We all flirted with Mike and he loved the attention though never made a move on any of us.

One evening, Mike and I were joking around up front that it was a slower biker night and he wasn’t really needed. My manager came out to offer for us to eat dinner to kill off food needing to be served and then leave since we were slow. Both of us were hungry so I sent Mike to a booth and went to grab us some wings.

[FMM] Two for One

The university I attended did not have coed dorms, everyone was separate. I guess to minimize hanky panky but let’s be real… with a campus of horny college kids, nothing will stop that from happening, even separate dorms.

After returning from Thanksgiving break, the dorm I resided in had a flood on the lowest level that took out the laundry machines completely. Girls were given permission to use the other dormitory laundry facilities until new machines could be installed. Of course adding in more students to already busy laundry rooms made getting machines difficult.

Being the ever practical person, I took to doing my laundry in the middle of the night to avoid the crowds or not getting a machine. I just took my books over and studied while waiting in the boys laundry room for my clothes to finish. This was back before cellphones and WiFi so studying or reading were really the only options.