“You know how it’s James’s birthday next month? Do you want to fuck him as a present?”
Helen has been my best friend for a few years and has always been open about whatever’s on her mind, especially when it comes to sex, to the point where she sometimes says outrageous things just to watch my reaction as I end up believing them. That made it easy to laugh at her sudden outburst as we sat drinking coffee in her flat after a retail therapy spree.
“I’m not joking Suzie. I’ve talked about it with him before… I’m into watching him with someone else and he’s into doing it with… well, you.”
Now I was stunned into stumbling over some half-formed words, then silence. “You don’t have to decide now or say anything, just think about it” she told me. There was nothing to think about! No way could I do something like that.
But then I thought about it. A lot. I was 21, single, and hadn’t had any kind of sex in too long. Her boyfriend was 24, tall, blonde, good looking and confident. But he wanted to fuck me? It was hard not to think about it, and the more I thought the more I realised I wasn’t anxious about the idea, my heart pounding and butterflies was because it excited me.