I[M] didn’t know what “negging” was, but I figured out how to do it by accident… to say it worked would be an understatement [warning: some might see this story as misogynistic]

After college, I lived with three housemates for a while. I’d gotten a job with a health insurance company that didn’t pay particularly well but was enough for the time being and I was just enjoying being single and still living a little bit like I was in college (a couple of my housemates still were. There were a lot of empty beer cans left out every weekend.)

One of my housemates had actually developed feelings for me, and she was pretty hot, but she’s not the subject of this story – the haters will be glad to know in this case I managed to act scrupulously and never took advantage of her feelings. We’ll call this friend M.

[M]e and C #2: The time I enlisted her best friend to help me punish her

This is a followup to the last story I posted, which you can find in my post history if you want to catch up first. The tldr of that story: I had a dysfunctional relationship with my first serious girlfriend in college, C, which lasted about 3 years in which we repeatedly cheated on each other.

This is jumping ahead a bit, to our last year of college when we’d both basically gotten used to the way things were. She’d already cheated on me three times prior to this (including the first one, described in my previous story) but I had only done it in retaliation once, and I actually don’t know if she ever found out about that one. But basically, the ongoing dynamic had been established: when she got frustrated enough, she’d fuck someone else without making any effort to hide it, wait for me to find out, and I’d find something to do to her as her dom that one-upped the last time as her punishment. So we were getting to the point where I really would have to be creative when it happened again.

I[M] basically accidentally corrupted my first serious girlfriend in college, teaching her to enjoy being punished for doing slutty things

I grew up in a small religious community where everyone was extremely conservative about sex. I’m also an introvert, and while I later became much more outgoing, that meant I was pretty reserved and quiet growing up. I wouldn’t say I was a nerd exactly, I did have a couple of girlfriends in high school, but they were short lived and casual relationships.

So when I got to college I had a lot of pent up energy. Being away from home made me feel like I was finally ready to let go of the psychological baggage I had around sex. I didn’t go wild or anything, but I had a few hookups in my first year. In my sophomore year I met C though. Physically, she was very much my type: girl next door vibe, dressed cute but modest, dirty blonde hair, curvy.

We hooked up after a party and everything seemed to just kind of click with her. She had a similar background to mine, so we were both at about the same place in exploring our sexuality, and the chemistry was exactly right. We did it twice that night and then again in the morning, and were already talking about when we’d do it again next.