Encounter With My 18 yo Neighbor Part 4 [Age Gap] [Adults] [Teen] [M/F] [18+]

*This is a first-person narrative. I will be telling the story from the perspective of the **female** character. This is a multi-part series.

Part 1 from the male perspective can be found [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fxv99d/encounter_with_my_18_yo_neighbor_part_1_age_gap/) It might be beneficial to read it first.

This is a retelling of the first encounter, but from her perspective. The idea was suggested by u/[Thatoneguy2187](https://www.reddit.com/user/Thatoneguy2187/)

School has been shut down due to Covid-19 and I’m bummed. Having a few unexpected days off was fine, but now it’s messing up the end of my senior year. It looks like we may not go back to school this year, which means my senior track season is over before it began, no prom and no graduation. All of these important milestones ruined. At least the weather is nice enough to lay out in the front yard and work on my tan. I’ve noticed others enjoying the outdoors, as well. I’ve seen kids riding their bikes, people going for walks and people jogging. There is this one neighbor in particular that has caught my attention. He lives just down the road and he teaches at my high school. I’ve seen him many times, but usually in a professional setting. All the girls think he’s the hot teacher, myself included. My friends talk about their fantasies about having sex with him. I usually just listen as my pussy gets wet from the naughty ideas running through my mind.

Encounter With My 18 yo Neighbor Part 3 [Age Gap] [Adults] [Teen] [M/F] [18+]

*This is a first-person narrative. I will be telling the story from the perspective of the male character. This is a multi-part series.

The previous installments can be found here.

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fxv99d/encounter_with_my_18_yo_neighbor_part_1_age_gap/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g2h0s3/encounter_with_my_18_yo_neighbor_part_2_age_gap/)

When final word came that school would be closed for the remainder of the year, I decided to go by my classroom to pick up a few things I didn’t want to leave there until school starts back in August.
As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a group of teenagers milling around. Some were playing tennis, others socializing. It was a pretty day and they were just enjoying time outside. Each classroom has its own door to the outside, so I just went in that way instead of the main entrance to the building. I hadn’t been in there long when I heard a knock on the door. I went to see who it was and was surprised to see it was Lauren. She had been one of the teenagers playing tennis. She noticed me when I drove through the parking lot and she and some of the others came say hello. It would be the last time I’d ever see some of these students, so I thought it was cool they came by. They hung out for a few minutes and went on their way.

Encounter With My 18 yo Neighbor Part 2 [Age Gap] [Adults] [Teen] [M/F] [18+]

*This is a first-person narrative. I will be telling the story from the perspective of the male character. I hope to make this a multi-part series*

Start Here [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fxv99d/encounter_with_my_18_yo_neighbor_part_1_age_gap/)

We’ve just been informed that school has been canceled for the remainder of the year. I have nothing to do until August. I’m going to have to find a new hobby. Also, I just learned that my wife will be going to New York for three weeks to work as a nurse in the areas hardest hit by this virus. Three weeks all alone. I hope I can find something to do.

About a week after our encounter, Lauren and her mom were taking a walk, which led them by my home. I was working in the yard and stopped to talk to them as they passed, like any good neighbor would do. We made small talk, mostly revolving around how Covid-19 had disrupted life, canceled school, etc. Work for Laurens’s parents was uninterrupted and I shared the news with them about my wife. As her mom spoke I kept thinking, “I know what your daughter’s naked body looks like. I know what your daughter’s pussy tastes like. I know what your daughter’s pussy feels like when it comes on my cock.” I could feel my cock moving inside my shorts, so I shifted a little hoping to keep my erection hidden. We wrapped up our conversation and they continued their walk. I went inside to masturbate to the memory of what Lauren and I had done together.

Encounter With My 18 yo Neighbor Part 1 [Age Gap] [Adults] [Teen] [M/F] [18+]

*This is a first-person narrative. I will be telling the story from the perspective of the male character. I hope to make this a multi-part series*

Spring has finally arrived in East Tennessee. We’ve had beautiful weather and everyone seems to be enjoying time outdoors. The Covid-19 shutdown is impacting everyone in some way. I’m a teacher, so, since schools are closed, I’ve tried to keep myself occupied to the best of my ability. I typically go to the gym after work, but the gyms are shut down, too. To keep myself from falling apart, I’ve been working out some at home. I’ve also been enjoying going for a run several times a week. Along my chosen route, I run by the home of a neighbor who has an 18 year old daughter. She’s a high school senior, a track athlete, and incredibly smart. She also happens to be absolutely beautiful. Her parents are still working, so she’s at home alone during the day. During one of my runs I noticed her sunbathing in her front yard. I wasn’t expecting that. I was completely minding my own business, enjoying the sunshine on my face when I just happened to look over and see her lying there. My heart began to pound in my chest, and it wasn’t because of the jog. I tried not to stare, but couldn’t help myself. She is perfect. I kept on running, but couldn’t get her out of my mind.

A Perfect Day for a Hike

Today was a beautiful day. Clear blue skies, upper 70’s, and no humidity. I unexpectedly was free for a few hours and decided to take a hike. The location of the hike has a series of waterfalls. We’ve had a lot of rain recently, so I knew the falls would be roaring with water. I encountered no one along the trail as I hiked in. I took my time, enjoying the peace and quiet. I made it to my destination and found that I was completely alone. I hiked on a little further up river and found a secluded spot where the sun was shining on a rock, right on the water’s edge. I worked up a little sweat from the hike, so I decided to cool off in the water. Since I was certain I was alone, I stripped completely naked and stepped into the water. It was very cold, but felt amazing. After a couple of minutes, I climbed back on to the rock in the sun. I just stood there, completely naked, surrounded by nothing but nature, and dried off in the sun.