Handjob at the movie theater [MF]

Long time lurker, first time posting. I want to share one of my first sexual experiences. Names have been altered to protect the not so innocent.

Courtney and I were dating for a few months in high school. We were both 18, seniors. She was my first ever girlfriend. She was short, asian, with small but a perfect handful breasts. Since we both lived with our parents, we didn’t have a lot of places to be intimate. Only sometimes in the car, or you guessed it, in the movies.

Me being inexperienced, all I ever did was some groping and I would get over the pants handjobs in my jeans. She would rub my cock in a weird way. She would only use her fingers and move it back and forth. Either way I would come. However, I got an idea to wear sweat pants one day when to the movies.

We went to see a summer blockbuster. The theater was packed. I was a little worried, because Courtney obviously didn’t want anyone to see what we were doing.

The Accidental Handjob ,[MF]

This is not mine- but I found it here [https://www.solotouch.com/story/the-accidental-handjob-20820](https://www.solotouch.com/story/the-accidental-handjob-20820) I wanted to share it- because it was good!

*This is a true story*

*(Story refers to Canadian Dollars)*

I am not a touchy-feely kind of person. Blame it on strict parents and a strict religious upbringing. I’m working with a therapist to get over this. She recommended that I get a one hour’s ‘Californian massage’-nothing more. This is a very light and sensual massage and would be a whole new experience for me. I wanted to keep sex out of the picture (for now anyway) so I tried booking a massage appointment at a respectable sports clinic, but the first available slot was after my next therapy session. I took the earliest booking they had and asked to be wait-listed. After a few days, no one had cancelled and I really wanted the experience before my next meeting with my therapist.

Three days before, I passed by a ‘Clinique Massotherapie’ as they are called here in Quebec. I called the number posted on the sign outside. I wrote it down.