I love introducing you to your submissive side, Part 2 [OC] [MF] [light BDSM] [first person]

****I recommend reading [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/emb6q4/i_love_introducing_you_to_your_submissive_side_oc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) first if you have not, or simply as a refresher since it’s been a while since I posted.****

****This is the long overdue part 2. Thank you quarantine for giving me some free time! Quite unintentionally, this whole story may be 5 or 6 parts, or longer. But I promise I am continuing to work on it. Constructive criticism is welcome. I hope you enjoy!****


I enjoy seeing your eyes closed above your flushing cheeks, head lowered meekly and to the side. Not daring to cross your arms over your breasts, you shift them awkwardly and end up resting your hands on your thighs with your elbows tight to your sides. Subconsciously this eases your mind slightly by giving you some sense of a defensive posture.

I cup your breast with one hand while I kiss down your neck and you crane your head to the side in response. Without a word I pull your arm to your side, letting it drape down onto the blanket with your palm up. You automatically do the same with the other. It is such a subtle movement, yet it strips away so much of your control. You had brought your arms in tight to your body in a defensive reflex, and now I have taken away that protection.

I love watching you submit, part 1 [OC] [MF] [light BDSM] [first person]

When you draw in that first, gasping breath I know that I’ve got you. The bashfully awkward small talk when you arrive, the pretense of turning on a movie or tv show, the shy cuddles…those are all just formalities. We both know why you’re here, we both know what is going to happen, and yet in the beginning boldness escapes both of us.

Eventually snuggling up turns to teasing touches. The fake “shifting positions” that brings my hand up underneath a breast or makes it drop below your waist happen more regularly until at last we finally cross that invisible “okay, fuck it” line and begin to make out.

I’ve always hated that “dance”, which is weird for me because I enjoy building anticipation. Lately though I’ve been able to use it to my advantage. It can become fuel for my intensity, and I can channel my hunger through it to you.

All pretenses aside, you’ve probably been waiting for me to make a move. Maybe you’re even a little annoyed at how long I am taking. That’s good. Because we’ve been candid in the past, you know what I like, you know I’m kinky, you’ve hinted pretty blatantly that you’re into the things I am. So, when we finally get things going, you’re in a good place for me to contrast my timid, weak display of escalation with my love for control and dominance.