[F] Maybe [MF] My journey to become my Masters perfect public slut. [exhibition] [public]

So I was Ordered by my Master P_rabbitty to tell everyone how I became his little slave. It all started just after new years and I decided I wanted to experiment with being humiliated. I made this account and went to fapdeciders so I could be dominated be complete strangers.

I didn’t know about it at the time but very soon my new Master was about to enter my life. I was surprised by his task the task he gave to me is and ill quote his exact post.

These instructions are more about exploring your low risk public kink than pain or humiliation.

Well for starters, the standard no panties at home, or while completing tasks. I think at this point that one almost goes without saying.

Assuming you have rope, tie your tits in a rope bra. Next, go to a mall food court with a pen and paper. Write out how much of a slut you are/5 slutty things you’ve done/your biggest fantasy. Your choice.

Fold the paper in half and leave it on the table with the words “open” on the top.